renewable energy
How Climate Change Impacts Renewable Energy
Because renewable energy sources depend on the environment, both the supply of and demand for renewables are affected by climate impacts such as high heat, drought, altered precipitation patterns, flooding, extreme weather and wildfires.
New Report Refutes 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind and Electric Vehicles
The Sabin Center identified and examined the 33 most pervasive false claims about renewable energy.
Students Raise Their Voices for a Just Energy Transition
Two M.P.A. in Environmental Science and Policy Program traveled to Thailand to share their ideas in the 2023 Youth Voice Dialogue.
Predicting The Pace of the Transition to Environmental Sustainability
The size of the human population, the political demands globally for increased material consumption, and the finite resources we still draw from the earth will drive the transition to environmental sustainability.
New Technology Will Determine the Pace of Decarbonization
While the technology we need to complete the transition to renewable energy is not yet here, the pace of technological innovation is accelerating.
Report Finds 228 Local Restrictions Against Siting Wind, Solar, and Other Renewables
Renewable energy projects have encountered significant opposition in at least 45 states, according to a new report.
Overcoming Obstacles to Electric Vehicles: Charging Stations and Lower Prices
The technology of electric vehicles is poised to displace the internal combustion engine, but it will take time to transition away from a century’s worth of infrastructure and investment.
The False Trade-off Between Green Energy and Toxic Chemical Regulation
The long and tortuous effort to regulate toxic chemicals in America has now come up against an ironic obstacle: anti-environmental lobbying by the manufacturers of batteries and other renewable energy technologies that rely on toxic substances.