Sabin Center for Climate Change Law5
Advancements in Climate Rights in Courts Around the World
Despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in West Virginia. v. EPA, rulings in other countries demonstrate that courts worldwide remain an important forum for potentially advancing climate rights.
Cultivating Seaweed for Carbon Removal in California: Barriers and Recommendations
Seaweed farms could capture and store carbon emissions. A new paper suggests leasing and permitting changes that could help the industry thrive in California.
Announcing the Electric Resilience Toolkit
A new compilation of resources supports policymakers and stakeholders working on issues around electric sector regulation and climate resilience planning.
Aurora Barone Looks for Equitable Ways to Cut Carbon Emissions
A graduate of Columbia’s Environmental Science and Policy program, Barone works as an economics and policy analyst for Environmental Defense Fund.
Cryptocurrency’s Dirty Secret: Energy Consumption
To be a true game changer, crypto may need to come clean and go green.
What Is Decarbonization, and How Do We Make It Happen?
To keep the planet from warming more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, economies must rapidly decarbonize. What will this involve?
New Study Finds Federal Agencies Must Improve Climate Impact Analyses to Meet NEPA Requirements
The research shows that many agencies are not thinking about how projects will be affected by climate change and what that means for the projects’ environmental outcomes.
Oceans Could Be Harnessed to Remove Carbon From Air, Say U.S. Science Leaders
Seaweed cultivation, altering the chemistry of seawater, or even injecting electrical currents should be studied, say the authors.
Sabin Center Releases Report Providing Legal Tools for U.S. Cities to Act on Climate Change
Cities Climate Law can help local governments move from pledges to action by demystifying the legal context in which they develop climate policy.