State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

science funding

  • Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s proposed budget includes an effort to shrink funding for university-based science research and the national labs run by the Department of Energy. Research on fundamental earth systems science is also cut as is funding for state environmental agencies and national environmental emergency response.

  • Federal Dysfunction Continues to Underfund Science and Infrastructure

    In a time when the global economy places us in constant competition with other nations, our inability to forge effective public-private partnerships may well be the greatest long-term threat to America’s economic and political power.

  • Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s Budget will Harm the Planet and the Economy

    Trump’s proposed budget includes an effort to shrink funding for university-based science research and the national labs run by the Department of Energy. Research on fundamental earth systems science is also cut as is funding for state environmental agencies and national environmental emergency response.

  • Federal Dysfunction Continues to Underfund Science and Infrastructure

    In a time when the global economy places us in constant competition with other nations, our inability to forge effective public-private partnerships may well be the greatest long-term threat to America’s economic and political power.