sea levels
Fast-Wasting Antarctic Glacier Lost Ice Even Faster in Past, Raising Concerns for Future
Some time in the past 200 years, Antarctica’s giant Thwaites Glacier saw a period of retreat much faster than even that observed in recent years. It could be a warning of rapid sea-level rise in the near future.
Some Past Sea Levels May Not Have Been as High as Thought, Says Study of Rising and Sinking Landmasses
A time similar to our own saw catastrophic sea-level rise. But exactly how catastrophic?
Jacqueline Austermann: Exploring the Deep Earth, Modeling Future Sea Level
She studies Earth’s past warm periods to try to understand the future, and was just named a 2021 Sloan Research Fellow.
Reconstructing 6.5 Million Years of Western Mediterranean Sea Levels
Researchers have reconstructed past sea levels in the western Mediterranean in new detail by sampling coastal cave formations.
Greenland Rising: The Future of Greenland’s Waterfront
While much of the world is planning for flooding and inundation from changes in sea level, Greenland is facing a much different future.
Pioneer in Charting Modern Sea Level Rise to Receive 2020 Vetlesen Prize
A scientist who has played a key role in documenting modern sea level rise and its causes is to receive the 2020 Vetlesen Prize for achievement in the earth sciences.
Team Deciphers Sea-Level Rise From Last Time Earth’s CO2 Was as High as Today
In a coastal cave off Spain, scientists have found evidence showing that more than 3 million years ago, when temperatures were similar to those projected for the end of this century, sea levels were as much as 16 meters higher than they are now.