What You Can Do to Protect Biodiversity
What can we as individuals do to help slow the loss of biodiversity? Since consumption of resources is a root cause of biodiversity loss, we can consume less and be more mindful about what we consume.
Apply Now for Summer Ecosystem Experience for Undergraduates (SEE-U)
The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) program provides undergraduate students of all majors from all accredited colleges or universities with a global understanding of ecology and environmental sustainability. It provides students with the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in unique natural settings in addition to participation in a combination of classroom lectures and lab work.
Still Time to Apply for Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Program
There is still time to apply for classes in Module 3 of the Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Program.
Biodiversity and Health Extinction by Infection: Biodiversity makes a difference.
Throughout the past several decades, countless species have been infected by non-native deadly diseases and ultimately crashed in numbers. A survey of important case studies highlight the importance of mitigating the virulence of the planet’s pathogens.
Sustaining Life, Securing Our Future: A Symposium Celebrating the Diversity of Life on Earth
On March 1st, 2011, CERC will host Sustaining Life, Securing Our Future, a day-long symposium that brings together leaders in biodiversity research, conservation, and education to present on the extraordinary diversity of the natural world and its role in securing a sustainable future. The day’s panels will discuss the range of efforts to study, conserve,…
Illuminating the Science: Art and Climate Change Part II
Last week I expressed some skepticism that art and climate science were complementary languages. I also expressed some hope that the nature of these two fields – that is, that they both are ways of better knowing the world – really were reconcilable, and could create a better robustness of understanding the natural world. I’m glad…
State of the Planet 2010: Join the Global Conversation
What is the current state of the planet? How do we move forward on a global climate deal? On March 25, The Earth Institute, Columbia University; The Economist; and Ericsson will bring together some of the world’s most influential thinkers to propose innovative solutions to these and other critical questions at our biennial State of…
Helping Haiti Build Back Stronger and More Sustainably
The Haiti Program of the Earth Institute is led by Tatiana Wah, a professor at the New School in New York (on leave), where she is a renowned scholar and practitioner of Haitian economic and social development. Since last year, Wah has led the Earth Institute’s efforts from a base in Port-au-Prince, where she works…
Food Miles, Fair Miles
It’s not often that when we purchase food from a bodega or grocery store that we consider where it came from. Is my apple from New York, Washington, or China? Were my tomatoes grown in Florida, California, or Mexico? Whose hands planted and picked them? Why did this planter choose this variety? Wherever our food…