Sustainable Development Solutions Network2
Join the Earth Institute for Climate Week NYC
From heads of state to ordinary citizens, thousands of people will gather for more than 100 events during Climate Week NYC. The Earth Institute and its centers will be engaged in several events; read on to find out how you can participate.
CIRSD Joins New Earth Institute SDSN Advisory Group
To strengthen the collaboration between the Center of International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University (EI) and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the Earth Institute and SDSN have established the Earth Institute-Sustainable Development Solutions Network Advisory Group on International Relations and designated the members as Senior EI…
Global Online Course Taught by Jeffrey Sachs to Focus on ‘The Age of Sustainable Development’
Free 14-Week Class Will Begin on Jan. 21
Launch of United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
September 24, 2012, NEW YORK – A diverse group of international leaders in science, business, policy, the United Nations, and civil society gathered at Columbia University on September 22 to launch the new Sustainable Development Solutions Network under the auspices of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. As a first step, the network will establish 10 global…