water matters41
What did you say? Saying what you mean.
How we talk about the CWC’s work and about the complex issues we’re working with is very important, but it is often hard to give up specificity in favor of understandability. We can all use reminders about how to communicate clearly and effectively with the general public.
A Truce in the California Water Wars
Nationally, the California Water Wars have been something people have been following for months. As discussed by Water Center expert Tanya Heikkila in her September blog post “California’s other crisis,” the state’s reservoirs had been significantly depleted and fights had been breaking out all over the state about who deserved water the most – farmers,…
USGS report shows water use in the USA increasingly efficient
The US Geological Survey report, ‘Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2005’, By Joan F. Kenny, et al, released in 2009, compares recent and historical findings on water withdrawls for fresh surface water, groundwater, irrigation, thermo-electric power generation, public supply, self-supplied industrial use, and livestock, among others.
India: Seminar on Increasing Water Efficiency in Agriculture Sector
Government and Industry leaders in India met last week at a national forum on water use in agriculture, organized by the Confederacy of Indian Industry. According to the press release, they were in agreement on the need to link water efficiency with agricultural production.
New Dept of Interior Water Strategy
“The federal government’s existing water policies and programs simply aren’t built for 21st century pressures on water supplies,” Salazar said. “Population growth. Climate change. Rising energy demands. Environmental needs. Aging infrastructure. Risks to drinking water supplies. Those are just some of the challenges.”
Economist says climate change countermeasures make financial sense
In a New York Times article Feb. 20, Robert H. Frank, an economist at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, argues that acting to stop climate change makes economic sense.
The Role of Wastewater Treatment in Drug Resistance
One of the main threats to health in both the developing and developed worlds is the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. On February 19, Kartik Chandran, Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Engineering talked with Water Center staff and students about his study of the role wastewater treatment might play in this complex issue.
UK report on oceanic geoengineering study
New research from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, Southampton shows that plans to pump nutrient-rich water up from the deep ocean in order the boost algae growth at the surface to absorb CO2 would likely only sequester a small amount of total anthropogenic carbon emissions, and if the system was stopped could lead to rapid…
Twitter Photo of the Day
The Columbia Water Center is now posting a Photo of the Day on Twitter, highlighting global water issues and CWC’s projects around the world. Follow us here: http://twitter.com/columbiawater