State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Tag: Wetlands2

  • The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands

    The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands

    An analysis of coastal wetlands loss from sea level rise that was conducted for the Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel provides estimates of wetland losses as a basis for identifying potential adaptation measures.

  • Biotherapy: Technology Assisted Wetland Revival

    Biotherapy: Technology Assisted Wetland Revival

    Coastal Wetlands provide homes for migrating and native birds, protected areas for hatcheries, flood mitigation and an unrivaled biodiversity of microorganisims that serves as the basis of the marine food chain. Nature here works hard to compensate for an increasingly heavy human footprint.

  • The Importance of Wetlands

    As we continue to see ever-more disturbing images on the shores of Louisiana from the gulf oil spill, it’s worth thinking again about the immense ecological importance of wetlands and why they must be protected. Oil from the leak has already filtered up from the beaches into Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, killing wildlife there. Ironically, last…

  • The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands

    The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Wetlands

    An analysis of coastal wetlands loss from sea level rise that was conducted for the Ramsar Convention’s Scientific and Technical Review Panel provides estimates of wetland losses as a basis for identifying potential adaptation measures.

  • Biotherapy: Technology Assisted Wetland Revival

    Biotherapy: Technology Assisted Wetland Revival

    Coastal Wetlands provide homes for migrating and native birds, protected areas for hatcheries, flood mitigation and an unrivaled biodiversity of microorganisims that serves as the basis of the marine food chain. Nature here works hard to compensate for an increasingly heavy human footprint.

  • The Importance of Wetlands

    As we continue to see ever-more disturbing images on the shores of Louisiana from the gulf oil spill, it’s worth thinking again about the immense ecological importance of wetlands and why they must be protected. Oil from the leak has already filtered up from the beaches into Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, killing wildlife there. Ironically, last…