State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

State of the Planet 2010 – Closing

Credit: Eileen Barroso
Credit: Eileen Barroso

Well folks, the events here at Columbia are wrapping up.  We hope you enjoyed our comments and summaries.  Discussions on these issues will continue here at the Earth Institute, online and hopefully in your lives as well. On behalf of myself (Stephanie Ruiz), Jaclyn Carlsen, and Eric Couper, thanks for joining us online today.

Wrap up | 5:15 p.m.

Sachs mentions he is happy that no one said “this is your responsibility, not ours.” We have a common responsibility and it is very evident. A crowded planet will require technology for greater communication, technology to grow enough food, and green technology for our energy and transport systems.

We heard from the SG that commitments have been made that can close major gaps in extreme poverty. But what is said is only important if it counts.

There have been a lot of successes. There are tremendous achievements. Measles deaths have decreased by more than 90%. Malawi has doubled its food production through good government policies. Cell phone penetrations rates are skyrocketing in rural, remote areas. Sachs says that these are success stories that people need to know. They can inspire us to keep going on these global issues.

Sachs mentions the SG has given us all a homework assignment. Follow through is a heavy challenge for everyone but we need to do our homework and understand the commitments that our governments have made and hold them accountable.

Sachs thanks Ericsson for the power of technology to bring this event together and helping to bring the mobile phone to pastoralists and rural farmers. The cell phone is their proud possession.

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