State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Ecosystem Services and Corporate Planning

The Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC) presents:

Ecosystem Services and Corporate Planning
Jeffrey Potent
Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs and
Environmental Protection Agency

Mondays, 6:10-8:10PM
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Ecosystem Services and Corporate Planning explores the emerging incorporation of environmental factors into core business decision-making and strategic planning. It examines the impacts and dependencies of corporations on our ecosystems. Utilizing a methodology of ecosystem services review, along with an examination of various case studies, students explore strategic considerations corporations face in order to move beyond regulatory compliance to sustainable business practices.

Jeffrey Potent is an Environmental Protection Specialist with the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, in Washington DC. His duties include the regulation of animal agriculture and leadership in advancing market-based approaches to environmental protection, including water quality trading and markets for other ecosystem services. From 1999 to 2008, Mr. Potent served as the US EPA Region 2/Land Grant University Liaison, facilitating collaboration among Land Grant Universities, EPA, USDA, and other agencies and academic institutions. In 2001 he established the Region 2 component of the USDA National Integrated Water Quality Program, serving as regional coordinator through 2005. Potent also serves as adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.

Interested in learning more? Visit our website or

Contact Desmond Beirne for more information: or 212-854-0149.

Please forward this e-mail on to your colleagues and friends who may be interested. We look forward to hearing from you!

This course is part of CERC’s Certificate Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability. Courses may be taken on an individual basis or you may pursue the full 12-course Certificate.

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