State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

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Carbon Management Distinguished Speaker Series

The Columbia Climate Center‘s Carbon Management Distinguished Speaker Series brings leaders involved in all aspects of the management of carbon from academia, civil society, industry, business, and various levels of government to Columbia University with the aim of advancing solutions and stimulating informed debate on this challenge.

Solutions to reduce carbon emissions will not be found through engineering approaches, government regulation, or activism alone.  Most carbon emissions come from energy consumption and land use, key components for achieving quality of life benchmarks. Reducing carbon emissions while ensuring continued development for all nations requires the involvement of multiple disciplines and sectors. The Carbon Management Distinguished Speaker Series, building off of the Columbia Climate Center organized international workshop on Carbon Management: Education and Practice, will bring attention to the interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral obstacles and opportunities to meeting this challenge.

The Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute is leading one such effort, the development of a new Master’s in Carbon Management, in collaboration with the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science and other Faculty from throughout Columbia University including physical, natural, and social sciences, engineering, economics, business, and law.

The Carbon Management Distinguished Speaker Series will bring key thought leaders from all segments of society to Columbia University and New York City with the goal of advancing solutions to the challenge of managing carbon emissions. Each speaker will give a public lecture to inform and educate the Columbia community and its neighbors, with the goal of stimulating more open and informed debate. Speakers will also engage with faculty members and students more directly in smaller groups.

We aim to target industry and business leaders, agency representatives, past or present members of federal or sub-national administrations, academics, and other thought leaders who are known for their vision and knowledge related to aspects of managing carbon.

We are pleased to announce that we will begin the series with Richard Houghton <>, Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center <>, who will give a talk entitled, “Managing Carbon on Land in the Context of Climate Change” on April 5, 2012 from 3 – 5pm in Lerner Hall Satow Room (5fl).

This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

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