State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Watch: Building Solutions for Water Challenges
From aging and leaky pipes to pollution and shrinking aquifers, America’s water infrastructure faces a growing set of challenges. A new video describes how the America’s Water Initiative, a program based at the Columbia Water Center, aims to build a network of academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and private industry to address those challenges and share new opportunities.

The program examines climate risks, emerging technologies, urban water infrastructure, financial and legal instruments and the ways that issues of food, energy and water intertwine. Watch the video above to find out more.

The program’s America’s Water Event Series brings leaders from different sectors together to talk about ways to collaborate and coordinate how they go about working out solutions. The next forum, “America’s Water: Innovation at Work,” will focus on three themes: water infrastructure, financing water projects, and the future of water utilities. It will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon on March 25 at Columbia University’s Faculty House.

To register and see more details, visit this webpage. The event is sponsored by The National Science Foundation. Please direct questions to Lisa Mucciacito at

Ali Zaidi, associate director for natural resources, energy and science at the White House Office of Management and Budget, will deliver a keynote address. Panelists for the first session will include Christine Boyle, Valor Water Analytics; Albert Cho, Xylem; Pramod Khargonekar, National Science Foundation; and Ed Rightor, Dow Chemical. Moderator will be William Becker of Hazen and Sawyer.

A second panel will feature Brett Walton, Circle of Blue; Mary Ann Dickinson, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Lynn Broaddus, Broadview Collaborative Inc.; Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute; and moderator Jon Freedman of GE.

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Dr. Aung Ze Ya (MTU, Myanmar)
Dr. Aung Ze Ya (MTU, Myanmar)
8 years ago

The road map and strategic implementation of the building solutions are vital to overcome the Water Challenges.