State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Earth Institute Faculty Now Accepting Nominations for New Members

Columbia University Campus

Columbia University’s Earth Institute faculty is seeking nominations for up to five new associate members. The nominees must have demonstrated an affinity with, and strong interest in, advancing the mission of the Earth Institute. Nominations are due on November 2, 2017.

The faculty comprises members from across the university—promising and distinguished scholars in the physical and social sciences and the humanities—who guide the Institute’s intellectual agenda, while maintaining its overall academic integrity. Associate members join this vibrant community, contributing to the Earth Institute’s research and education programs, and to the practical application of expertise in addressing global problems.

Associate members serve five-year renewable terms. Renewal is based on an assessment of the member’s engagement with the Institute and intellectual contribution to the Institute’s work. Associate members are reimbursed up to $5,000 per year for expenses associated with research- and education-related activities that are pertinent to the Earth Institute (e.g. compensation of a research assistant or student intern; work-related travel; publications).

The Earth Institute faculty will select new associate members based on their engagement and scholarly contributions to the issues that concern the Institute. In making these selections, the Earth Institute faculty will also seek to diversify its membership in terms of gender, race and academic discipline, especially the social sciences and the humanities—two areas in which the Institute desires to enhance its capacity.

The Earth Institute faculty is accepting both nominations and self-nominations for these positions. All nominations should include a brief biography, a CV and a letter that discusses the reasons that the nominee ought to join the faculty. Inquiries and nomination materials are to be directed to Samantha Ostrowski. The due date for nominations is November 2, 2017.

Note: This post was updated on 10/16/2017 to reflect a deadline extension for applications.

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