Welcome to the new year, 2018. The Earth has yet again made a revolution about the sun. But not so fast. If you subscribe to the idea of a flat Earth, then you’d believe that no such thing happened, because the sun rotates in a circle around the sky.
Humans have known for thousands of years that the planet is round, yet the belief in a flat Earth refuses to die. Members of the Flat Earth Society and several celebrities, including Atlanta rapper B.o.B and NBA player Kyrie Irving, claim to hold such beliefs. Let’s examine, then, how the well-known principles of physics and science would work (or not) on a flat Earth.
Gravity Fails
First of all, a pancaked planet might not have any gravity. It’s unclear how gravity would work, or be created, in such a world, says James Davis, a geophysicist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. That’s a pretty big deal, since gravity explains a wide range of Earthly and cosmic observations. The same measurable force that causes an apple to fall from a tree also causes the moon to orbit the Earth and all the planets to orbit the sun.
People who believe in a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull straight down, but there’s no evidence to suggest it would work that way. What we know about gravity suggests it would pull toward the center of the disk. That means it would only pull straight down at one point on the center of the disk. As you got increasingly far from the center, gravity would tug more and more horizontally. This would have some strange impacts, like sucking all the water toward the center of the world, and making trees and plants grow diagonally, since they develop in the opposite direction of gravity’s pull.
Solar Problems
Then there’s the sun. In the scientifically supported model of the solar system, the Earth revolves around the sun because the latter is much more massive and has more gravity. However, the Earth doesn’t fall into the sun because it is traveling in an orbit. In other words, the sun’s gravity isn’t acting alone. The planet is also traveling in a direction perpendicular to the star’s gravitational tug; if it were possible to switch off that gravity, the Earth would shoot away in a straight line and hightail it out of the solar system. Instead, the linear momentum and the sun’s gravity combine, resulting in a circular orbit around the sun.
The flat Earth model places our planet at the center of the universe, but doesn’t suggest that the sun orbits the Earth. Rather, the sun circles over the top side of the world like a carousel, broadcasting light and warmth downward like a desk lamp. Without the linear, perpendicular momentum that helps generate an orbit, it’s unclear what force would keep the sun and moon hovering above the Earth, Davis says, instead of crashing into it.
Likewise, in a flat world, satellites likely wouldn’t be possible. How would they orbit a plane? “There are a number of satellite missions that society depends on that just wouldn’t work,” Davis says. For this reason, he says, “I cannot think of how GPS would work on a flat Earth.”
If the sun and moon just loop around one side of a flat Earth, there could presumably be a procession of days and nights. But it wouldn’t explain seasons, eclipses and many other phenomena. The sun would also presumably have to be smaller than Earth so as to not burn up or bump into our planet or the moon. However, we know the sun to be more than 100 times the diameter of the Earth.
Removing Heaven and Earth
Deep below ground, the solid core of the Earth generates the planet’s magnetic field. But in a flat planet, that would have to be replaced by something else. Perhaps a flat sheet of liquid metal. That, however, wouldn’t rotate in a way that creates a magnetic field. Without a magnetic field, charged particles from the sun would fry the planet. They could strip away the atmosphere, as they did after Mars lost its magnetic field, and the air and oceans would escape into space.
Tectonic plate movement and seismicity depend on a round Earth, because only on a sphere do all the plates fit together in a sensible way, Davis says. Movements of plates on one side of the Earth effect movements on the other. The areas of the Earth that create crust, like the mid-Atlantic ridge, are counterbalanced by places that consume crust, like subduction zones. On a flat Earth, none of this could be adequately explained. There’d also have to be an explanation for what happens to plates at the edge of the world. One could imagine they might fall off, but that would presumably jeopardize the proposed wall that prevents people from falling off the disk-shaped world.

Perhaps one of the most glaring oddities is that the proposed map of the flat Earth is totally different. It places the Arctic at the center while Antarctica forms an “ice wall” around the edges. In such a world, travel would look very different. Flying from Australia to certain parts of Antarctica would, for example, take forever—you’d have to travel over the Arctic and both Americas to get there. In addition, certain real-world feats, such as traveling across Antarctica (which has been done many times), would be impossible.
Falling Flat
Contrary to popular belief, it’s a misconception that many societies of serious, educated people ever actually believed in the flat Earth theory. “With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat,” historian Jeffrey Burton Russell noted in 1997. “A round Earth appears at least as early as the sixth century B.C. with Pythagoras, who was followed by Aristotle, Euclid, and Aristarchus, among others in observing that the earth was a sphere.”
As the scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, the idea that many people—including the Spaniards and Christopher Columbus—believed the Earth to be flat was largely concocted by 19th century writers such as Washington Irving, Jean Letronne and others. Letronne was “an academic of strong anti-religious prejudices… who cleverly drew upon both to misrepresent the church fathers and their medieval successors as believing in a flat earth,” Russell noted.
In any case, while it’s fun to imagine counterfactual scenarios, science proceeds by coming up with theories to explain observations. When it comes to these theories, the simpler, the better, Davis says. The flat Earth idea, however, clearly begins with the idea that the planet is planar, and then attempts to twist other observations to its benefit. You can find odd explanations for individual phenomena under this framework, says Davis, but “it falls apart pretty quickly.”
Earth is round picture s from space now what
Btw, Earth is circa 70 per cent water. Water finds its own level and does not curve.
I can conclude that we would not be alive due to the low gravity force of the earth if it was flat
the earth is not flat if it was flay all the water on earth would be gon
Skip the religion and focus on Science
There is a web site where you can find when the International Space Station will be flying over your area. At night you can go out and on a clear night, see the ISS flying overhead. With binoculars it is more spectacular. I have done this before. The ISS goes around the GLOBE every 90 minutes. It is approximately 248 miles above the GLOBE we call “Earth.”
I was curious on a comment or statement based on things I heard through conversation over time, has anybody or anyone heard the saying or advice given similarly or along the lines or similar effect of:
“flying too close to the edge of the dome”
I believe this is a flight navigators advice in reguards to bearings or headings when it comes to earlier or old world topography and geographic navigation, as if to almost fly outside of the top half of a semi sphere.
Also there was mention of degree° and particular angles.
I’m curious if anyone has had or heard of similar feeling or nostalgia based on the recollection and perception of the same information heard.
I’m curious to know if there’s any truth to it based on the feeling, because if there is; what is it from and why?
how woult the atmophere leave? we all know to have air [ressure or a vaccume you need a barrier you simply cannot have air pressure next to a vaccume realise yes i know its the air pressure gets less as you go up but really its just the density of the air . at what pount does the air stop spinning with the earth and the vaccume come to be? and what is stopping all the air from leaking off into space till its gone? Dependant on where i libe on thgis ball i would be spinning at differenmt speeds yet if i travel from the north at 800 mph amd goto the equator at a thousand mph my wieght dont change unless i took a shit on the plane. why can i see things over the curve now the globe head will make any kind of shit up that nobody can verify or understand that there explanation dor why something happens can be explained another wau even more logically.. every person that b believes on the flat earth believe exacly like you the only difference betwwen a flat earther and you is the flat earther did the research. always remeber grasshopper you cannot yaste the new wine your cup is already full you must find reason to empty it that you my try the new wine if your unwilling to empty your cup someone can prove something yo ypu without doubt swee the evidence and still you would deny your own eyes.
If the earth was flat u would just go on the other side due to gravity right?
There are literal pictures of the earth being round and you are able to see the curve from a high enough point. It seems kind of interesting how people can still think the earth is flat… And how would we have gravity or how have we not fallen off of the edge of the earth lol
Love it so tired of flat Earth people I could just throw up kids growing up on fake you tube videos flat Earth is the bottom of the barrel
In 2011, Ferguson was the subject of press attention after a copy of his 1893 flat earth map was donated to and accepted by the Library of Congress. The Fall River Pioneer Museum in Hot Springs also retains a slightly-incomplete copy.
More specifically, his map depicts a “square and stationary” Earth, based on his literal interpretation of the Bible, which references angels visiting the “four corners” of the world.[4][1] He lectured in Hot Springs on his ideas in 1891, followed up by a 60-page pamphlet full of related hypotheses. For instance, Ferguson also asserted that the Sun was 30 miles in diameter and 3,000 miles away from Earth. He also disputed the existence of gravity. However, he was largely forgotten until the 2011 donation.[1] Ferguson also published a magazine in 1896 called “Square World.”[5]
For those interested go read Orlando Ferguson 1893 and you will see life from another angle. Just check it out.
Pretty easy to debunk, just fly a plane past the ice wall, then if the earth is flat, you would be in space!
The world is round not flat. Sail a boat away from you it will disappear why cos the world is a sphere. (Im not great at spelling but you understand). I speak to my daughter in Australia its night time there its dark. In uk its light and i can see the sun my daughter cant. Its common sence. What cant speak cant lie. People have flown round the world no one has ever seen a wall of ice. If that was the case and you kept flying you land up in space. Why would goverment want to keep a flat world such a secret make no difference to the way we live. Look outthe window at 34,000 feet you can see the curve of the plant
The conclusion of the matter is a failt of understanding in, and on both parties.
We know nothing, then but what we’re told.
We hold nothing by yourself your own knowledge.
means what you know and believe also comes from another, about science,beliefs, ect.
Fighting each other to be right, yet both not knowing what’s true.
If you claim both true is impossible of course, yet you both would try and bring evidence of functionality to be proven as true.
Then prove what you know from yourself, and your knowings; And not from another person of claimedful knowledge about worldly matters in such experimental things.
I know the body; It’s weak minded, and always seeking corruption.
Death and life are in your tongue.
Seek grately, and you’ll find. For those who seek to find, and know; Will never forget, for they seek to know, and hold, and keep.
Ask constantly, and you’ll get A or the answer.
You who ask won’t stop till you recei, otherwise why ask.
Knock and knock, and the door will be opened unto you.
If you persist, then shall you then not find.
Find out for yourself the truth, and know it to be true.
Then speak of your knowings with others to help them to the truth.
If you can’t do that! Then why speak.
Water has to have a container, therefore earth is flat
If the earth were not Flat, how come the TV Screens at the deck of airplanes could indicate the same altitude when flying from / to Ankara/New York?
One thing I take away from the religious commentators quoting poorly translated papyrus scroll from bearded men in robes who lived a full millennium before the advent of modern science. They claim that their beliefs support the idea of an all-powerful creator and the story of His creation based on these ancient writings which MUST be true. But, in comparison to the glories of the universe that science is continuing to discover, the creation of this “all-powerful creator” is infinitesimally tiny, insignificant and small-minded. The universe of the spherical (oblate for scientific sticklers :)) Earth is truly vast and magnificent, worthy of a “creator”. The universe of the flat earth is just … not … it’s small, sad and insignificant.
Long before I really read about any of this I was driving to work on a cloudy day and Sun rays were brilliantly beaming in all directions and the light came on (don’t mind the pun) and in my heart I knew it just simply cannot be some millions miles away. Refraction reflection etc etc .common sense says no way the angles I observed came from a light source that far. One thing cannot lie is REAL math so I measured the points of the sun to earth ,that earth point to the sun ray earth point and applied Pythagorean right angle triangle theory, and no matter how I changed the numbers NEVEr could anything close to millions of miles was found, 3000-4500 miles was about the average . I was in the navy and that pacific is fricken flat. Explain please.
How can selling across Antarctica be impossible but right there right beside the sentence in parentheses it says it’s been done many times? How can something that’s been done many times be impossible? Come on people! Are you freaking kidding me? Also people that are held in highly influential positions are always saying that flat earthers don’t think the world is round. Have you actually looked at a flat Earth map? IT IS FREAKING ROUND! There is no gravity. But something has to explain the way things are. So you have to look at how are things explained before gravity came along. Everything that gravity is explained to do also falls under the law of density and buoyancy! That very clearly explains everything that gravity is explained to do. In the center of the Earth (the center of the circle. The bullseye even) it is said that there is a very highly magnetic mountain that sticks out of the center of the Earth also it is said that there’s a big hole in the center of the Earth where water rushes into the hole for 6 hours then it pushes out of the hole for 6 hours it does this all day long every day. That’s what causes the tides. Sailors have been quoted and it has been documented that they have said that when they would get close to the center of the Earth they would be pulled toward the center by some kind of magnetic force. It would even pull the freaking nails out of the boat and destroy their boat. But we can’t go there to observe any of this for ourself. We have free will and can do whatever we want go anywhere we want and absolutely do anything that we want. Except for going to the South Pole and North Pole? Why? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE! FLAT EARTH JUST SIMPLY MAKES SENSE! Flat Earth is round! Just like a frisbee is round. Just like a pancake is round. We do live in a third dimensional sphere but the only type of traveling that can actually travel three dimensionally is an airplane. Flight manual say that that is only possible because they can choose their altitude. Other than that they travel exactly like a boat does. When they want to travel North and southbound in any kind of way they are simply just doing flips in the air. Meaning that you’re higher in the sky and then as they flip around they begin to get lower in altitude. It is far far past time to wake up! I love you! We are all one with each other! I am to love every person in every creation equally. For a reason! I woke up 10 years ago I see the benefits of waking up I understand clearly! I love you and I want you to see things clearly, explain things clearly, the truth will set you free!
Would boats even exist if the world was flat?
To everyone out there you can’t trust a book with words in it sure it’s religion but don’t say anything until you understood the facts and actually seen earth when I’m old enough I’ll apply to nasa and I will prove you flat earth belivers wrong
so the thought starts with “earth is flat” so by default the gravity HAS TO BE down for it to work…. why and how its down? i dunno black hole significant distance under disc or something.
you have to make some **** up to have fun with it :3
EDIT ohh my bad this is 4 years old…. KEKW
Some of u really need to go back to school or even buy one of those kids science sets. I’m not even kidding, it would open up a whole world
As far as I know the idea of the earth spinning around and also hurtling through space at high rates of speed is not confirmed in The Bible. There is such a thing as Science (Falsely so called) . The idea of a spherical shaped earth and an ever expanding universe comes directly from the narrative of “The Big Bang Theory” For those of you that may not know what that is…The narrative goes like this. 13.8 billion years ago there was a relatively small dense fireball, that somehow exploded and sent planets , suns and stars spinning and flying out in all directions. And now 13.8 billion years later…here we are still spinning and still hurtling away from that initial explosions.” We all know that we are here, but did we get here by a creation of God, or did we get here by mere chance? Another way to look at it is …did all life on this world come into existence all by itself, or was there a supreme being that created it? This entire idea was conceived , with the purpose to train peoples minds to dis-believe that there is a God that created all things, like the scriptures do say in Genesis.
As the scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, the idea that many people—including the Spaniards and Christopher Columbus—believed the Earth to be flat was largely concocted by 19th-century writers such as Washington Irving, Jean Letronne, and others. LeBron was “an academic of strong anti-religious prejudices… who cleverly drew upon both to misrepresent the church fathers and their medieval successors as believing in a flat earth,” Russell noted.
In any case, while it’s fun to imagine counterfactual scenarios, science proceeds by coming up with theories to explain observations. When it comes to these theories, the simpler, the better, Davis says. The flat Earth idea, however, clearly begins with the idea that the planet is planar, and then attempts to twist other observations to its benefit. You can find odd explanations for individual phenomena under this framework, says Davis, but “it falls apart pretty quickly.”
People. The finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite. Impossible! We are One-ness with the universe and God. We can understand scientific laws based on mathematics but our knowledge(s) evolve over time. Yet evolution over time is a misnomer because all there is is the ever-present Now. You cannot segment time. You cannot experience the past or future, except in memory or imagination which happens in the present. Time and space is how the finite mind interprets the so-called material world. When protons are smashed in an accelerator the “god particle” exists momentarily and then becomes empty space.We do not understand reality. Consciousness is awareness is God is all. Not pretending I know anything for sure—just sorting it out in my mind. Haha. It’s fun!
jesus made the world how he wanted it to be.
In my opinion the earth is round and I have a few facts to support this; One, if the earth was flat how have people not fallen of the edge and we would not have the earths core.
I am questioning everything these days because so many lies have been exposed now. Here’s one I can’t get an answer to….if the earth is round, and there is this huge ball of fire in space, how is it when we get a pic or video from space it is dark? how does this massive ball of fire send a direct beam of light to earth yet it doesn’t light up all of space? however, if this sub were contained in the dome (firmament) for a flat earth, then that would explain the lighting issue better wouldn’t it
It is flat. Your Creator says it is. So whether we believe it or not, doesn’t matter, flat like He said He says. And with a dome over it. 
How would you explain to your peers that the world we live in is a sphere?
In the grand scheme of life and all it entails, does it really matter what shape the Earth is or is not? All these pointless little “smokescreens”, meanwhile, the world goes to “hell in a handbasket” regardless of how it fits. Let’s have conversations on things we can change for the better, like sharing the Good News found in the Bible beginning with John 3:16, feeding the hungry, helping those who need it, getting corrupt politicians out of office (a work in progress…), let’s discuss situations that really matter instead of dividing ourselves in to even more camps. Overall, regardless of what shape you believe the Earth may be, Genesis 1:1 is what we REALLY need to know.
Cheez! After reading this I am flattened. I had my hopes up to one day go see what all the hoopla was about at the end of the ice wall. Who knows maybe Odin, Zeus, or Krishna would greet me. As it is though I am lifted up – against gravity mind you – here levitating by my keyboard to exclaim I am going to the barber tomorrow for my monthly flat top!
we do not live on a flat earth if you like reading go through cia.gov.
infact we dont even live in a simulation
Flat Earth people refuse to think. When given proof they simply ignore it.
101 the Earth is a spherical object just like a football. Observed from space . scientifically obvious. Rotation, orbital views etc. If you believe otherwise that is your prerogative. A pancake flat football would be a ‘ I should have gone to specsavers add’
Flat Earth Theory Debunked with Facts and Perils of the Listener’s WorldviewThe Flat Earth Theory is a conspiracy theory that the earth is flat and that NASA has been hiding the truth from us. It was first introduced by an English writer in 1881, but it gained traction in the 20th century with the advent of social media. The Flat Earth theory has been debunked by many scientists and it poses dangers to those who believe in it.
The Flat Earth Theory has been debunked by many people. It is a theory that was created in the 1800s by a man named Samuel Rowbotham. The flat earth theory is false and there are many reasons why it is false. First, we can see that the earth curves at the edges of the horizon. Second, we can see that stars are not visible from all places on Earth but they are visible from some places on Earth. Third, if you were standing on a flat surface, you would be able to see much farther than someone standing on a round surface like Earth because there would be no curvature to block your view.
Questions for a flat-earther to answer to help debunk round-earth!1. If the earth is flat, why doesn’t the water on the surface flow off it?
2. If you are at the North Pole and walk 10 kilometers south, 10 kilometers east and then 10 kilometers north, will you return to the same location you started at?
3. The sun has been rising in the east for billions of years. Why is this the case no-matter where you are on the planet?
4. If we are living on a flat earth and not a globe, how does gravity work?
5. When planning a flight from Dubai, UAE to Los Angeles, USA, why is it that the shortest path between the two cities has you flying via North through Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, crossing North Pole and then south through the North West Territories and Alberta, Canada. Wouldn’t it be shorter to just fly across the Sahara dessert, Atlantic ocean and across the USA? Are airlines wasting time and fuel?
So one thing I ask flat earthers that they can’t explain to me is, why as I go higher like up a mountain it gets colder? If the sun is only a couple thousand miles above us shouldn’t it get hotter? I get asked well if we are on a globe, wouldn’t it get the same way since I would be closer to the sun as well? My answer is, well I don’t believe we live under a dome, if I lived under a dome the air would be spread throughout the earth equally, since it’s not and oxygen weight is higher than other atoms (gravity) then there is a lower pressure/atmosphere to be heated on a mountain. I don’t receive an answer to my question so… earth is a globe.
I will say if earth was flat there will may be a time when all the earth would experience day .
This is so crazy. But if everyone would read Genesis, you’re answer is right there. And of course see what you hear and hear what you see
If the earth is flat and there are people keeping it a secret from the rest of us “the people guarding the ice edge so we don’t fall off” what is one reason for the secret? Just one reason?
So let’s pretend the earth is flat and the globe scenario is somehow debunked by the scientific community. Whats going to be different for you the next day? How will this affect your daily lives?
You would start looking into other things that they have lied about. It would make you question authority and not just blindly take everything they say without question.
I am losing brain cells reading the comments.
for all flat earther instead of doing this research go to antartica and find your self what is ther in the other side of the great wall
You wouldn’t have the resources to explore such an inhospitable place.
there are thousands of evidence that earth is spherical but flat earthers have only few silly illogical evidence that earth is flat.
one day flat earthers will see the truth.
“People who believe in a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull straight down”
Unfortunately there are FEs who avoid the “gravity vector” problem by ignoring the Cavendish experiment, claiming that gravity doesnt exist – and asserting that we are experiencing acceleration (not gravity) – which means that after one year we are traveling at the speed of light !
If The World Were Flat Then That Would Completely Destroy Anything Scientists Ever Discovered Also i completely beleive that flat earthers were raised wrong..
All you have provided are just guesses and predictions and there is no scientific proof of this, while the flat-earth theorists ask you one question, why one can see a small boat 30 km away in the sea, this cannot happen if the earth is spherical. …
Actually you must do more research on this topic, And For the sake of god Please don’t beleive the earth is flat there are so many scientific discoveries to easily tell you how its round, Not To Mention The Pictures Of The Earth..