State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development Seeks Fall 2018 Teaching Assistants

By Alana Masciana

The Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development is currently accepting applications for Fall 2018 Teaching Assistant positions for the following courses.

  1. SDEV UN3390 GIS for Sustainable Development
  2. SDEV UN3400 Human Populations and Sustainable Development

Applicants must be current full-time Columbia University students enrolled in a degree-granting program. Students should expect to work 10-20 hours per week on average, but this can vary throughout the semester. Applications will only be accepted from graduate students and undergraduate juniors or seniors. Additional restrictions may apply. Be sure to check the description for each position for more information. Application available here:

The deadline to apply is June 27, 2018 at 11:55pm


Teaching Assistant for SDEV UN3390 GIS for Sustainable Development

T 10:10 – 11:25; R 10:10 – 12:25**

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of theoretical concepts underlying GIS systems and to give students a strong set of practical skills to use GIS for stainable development research. Through a mixture of lectures, readings, focused discussions, and hands-on exercises, students will acquire an understanding of the variety and structure of spatial data and databases, gain knowledge of the principles behind raster and vector based spatial analysis, and learn basic cartographic principles for producing maps that effectively communicate a message. Student will also learn to use newly emerging web based mapping tools such as Google Earth, Google Maps and similar tools to develop online interactive maps and graphics.

Applicants should have advanced knowledge of geographic information systems software, with previous coursework in the area.

Time Commitment & Responsibilities

A Teaching Assistant must fulfill the responsibilities as identified by the assigned supervising instructor while maintaining conduct of the highest level of professionalism and confidentiality.  The Teaching Assistant may be responsible for directing drills, recitations, discussions or laboratory sessions related to courses offered by an officer of higher rank.  They will be responsible for meeting and coordinating with the instructor regularly and performing other course-related duties as assigned.

Applicants must be current full-time CU students enrolled in a degree granting program. Applications will only be accepted by undergraduate juniors or seniors and graduate students.

To Apply

Please post your cover letter stating your interest in the position and a resume (both in PDF format) to

The deadline to apply is June 27, 2018 at 11:55pm

 **Updated class meeting day and time

Teaching Assistant for SDEV UN3400 Human Populations and Sustainable Development

TR 8:40 – 9:55

Population processes and their outcomes in terms of population size, distribution and characteristics have a fundamental role in sustainable development and also broad policy implications. This course will introduce students to the scientific study of human populations as a contribution toward understanding social structure, relations and dynamics, as well as society-nature interactions. The aim is to offer a basic introduction to the main theories, concepts, measures and uses of demography. The course will cover the issues of population size, distribution and composition, and consumption, at different scales from global to regional to local, as well as the implications for population-environment relationships.

Applicants should have strong knowledge of, and an interest in, the topics studied throughout the course of the semester.

Time Commitment & Responsibilities

A Teaching Assistant must fulfill the responsibilities as identified by the assigned supervising instructor while maintaining conduct of the highest level of professionalism and confidentiality.  The Teaching Assistant may be responsible for directing drills, recitations, discussions or laboratory sessions related to courses offered by an officer of higher rank.  They will be responsible for meeting and coordinating with the instructor regularly and performing other course-related duties as assigned, like grading written coursework.

Applicants must be current full-time CU students enrolled in a degree granting program. Applications will only be accepted by undergraduate juniors or seniors and graduate students.

To Apply

Please post your cover letter stating your interest in the position and a resume (both in PDF format) to

 The deadline to apply is June 27, 2018 at 11:55pm

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