State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Earth Institute Funding Programs Now Accepting Proposals

The Earth Institute is now accepting proposals for Earth Networks, three-year working groups formed around one interdisciplinary topic, and Earth Frontiers, seed funding for interdisciplinary projects. Please see below for additional information on the programs, deadlines, and contact information.

Earth Networks are three-year working groups formed around one interdisciplinary topic. The Earth Networks program provides a framework of support for interdisciplinary collaboration across Columbia University, to promote fresh approaches to research, education, and impact on themes related to climate, sustainability, and the future of planet Earth. Proposals are due Friday, August 21, for networks that begin in fall 2020. For additional information or questions, contact Hayley Martinez (, 909-234-3346).

Earth Frontiers is a seed funding program for Columbia University faculty and researchers. The purpose of the program is to support the development of new interdisciplinary projects that capitalize on the breadth of expertise of the university to produce new knowledge, and in some cases, formulate, disseminate and, if practical, implement science-based solutions and policies to sustainability problems. Proposals are due Monday, September 14, for projects that begin in January 2021. For additional information or questions, contact Gabby Cohen (, 212-854-0418).

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