State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Pod of the Planet Ep. 13: Corruption, Migration and COVID-19

Pod of the Planet · 13. Corruption, migration and COVID-19

COVID-19 has completely upended our way of life. It has infiltrated all parts of society, affecting many overlooked places. In this episode we explore the toll it has taken on migration both across borders and within countries. More specifically, we look at how policies meant to stem the spread of the coronavirus are making things worse for vulnerable groups in India and Kenya.

We get a first-hand account from small-scale women traders in Kenya on what they’re having to deal with. We also speak with Amrita Dhillon, a professor of political economy at King’s College London and Jackie Klopp, a research scholar at the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Both are researchers with the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence program. You can find more at

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