State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Alyssa Rome8

  • ESP Alum Leads Sandy Relief Efforts

    ESP Alum Leads Sandy Relief Efforts

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) alumnus Todd Miner (’10) has always been heavily involved in work at post-conflict and disaster areas, both abroad and in the United States. He puts the management and planning skills he acquired from the MPA-ESP program to good use in his current role as director of Friends of…

  • ESP Program Prepares Student for Career in Wildlife Conservation

    ESP Program Prepares Student for Career in Wildlife Conservation

    Having worked at the Assistant Editor of Sanctuary Asia, an Indian wildlife magazine, co-founded the 2041 Antarctic Youth Ambassador Programme, and volunteered with the Indian Youth Climate Network, current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Swati Hingorani (’14) has always had a passion for environmental issues. As she looks forward to her graduation…

  • MS Student Sails into Sustainability

    MS Student Sails into Sustainability

    M.S. in Sustainability Management student Martin Garcia Urtiaga first became interested in sustainability five years ago as a passenger on a transatlantic sailboat voyage. After living in a confined space with limited supplies for a prolonged period of time, Martin became more interested in sustainability, particularly developing methods for more efficient use of earth’s natural…

  • ESP Program Partners with AmeriCorps

    ESP Program Partners with AmeriCorps

    This year, in order to draw top applicants, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program has developed a partnership with Americorps and AmeriCorps Alums to help their alumni achieve success in graduate school. Each year, more than 80,000 Americorps volunteers engage in in service at nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups…

  • ESP Alum Focuses Career on Clean Energy Solutions

    ESP Alum Focuses Career on Clean Energy Solutions

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alumnus James Vener (‘07) entered the program with the intention of transitioning his career from environmental engineering to environmental policy, but was surprised to discover an interest in clean energy.

  • New Course to Feature Leading Sustainability Practitioners

    New Course to Feature Leading Sustainability Practitioners

    Some of the world’s leading sustainability practitioners are coming to campus next semester. They will be teaching students as part of a new course, Practicum in Innovative Sustainability Leadership, in the M.S. in Sustainability Management program. The course will cover a range of sustainability issues – from urban sustainability to green products – but it…

  • ESP Students Audit Campus Waste

    ESP Students Audit Campus Waste

    On November 14, one day before America Recycles Day, members of the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) class of 2014 conducted a waste audit in SIPA’s 4th floor “fishbowl,” the most visible and heavily used area of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). The audit was hosted by the SIPA Sustainability…

  • Apply Now for Spring Curriculum Grading Assistant Posts

    The Sustainability Management program is seeking candidates for the following curriculum and grading assistant positions for the spring 2014 semester.

  • Sustainability Management Student Expands Career View

    Sustainability Management Student Expands Career View

    While working as the project and sustainability planner for The Crane Resorts in her home country of Barbados, current MS in Sustainability Management student Lisa Howard realized that if she wanted to make a real difference in the sustainable built environment and tourism, she would need to have a more holistic understanding of the field.

  • ESP Alum Leads Sandy Relief Efforts

    ESP Alum Leads Sandy Relief Efforts

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) alumnus Todd Miner (’10) has always been heavily involved in work at post-conflict and disaster areas, both abroad and in the United States. He puts the management and planning skills he acquired from the MPA-ESP program to good use in his current role as director of Friends of…

  • ESP Program Prepares Student for Career in Wildlife Conservation

    ESP Program Prepares Student for Career in Wildlife Conservation

    Having worked at the Assistant Editor of Sanctuary Asia, an Indian wildlife magazine, co-founded the 2041 Antarctic Youth Ambassador Programme, and volunteered with the Indian Youth Climate Network, current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Swati Hingorani (’14) has always had a passion for environmental issues. As she looks forward to her graduation…

  • MS Student Sails into Sustainability

    MS Student Sails into Sustainability

    M.S. in Sustainability Management student Martin Garcia Urtiaga first became interested in sustainability five years ago as a passenger on a transatlantic sailboat voyage. After living in a confined space with limited supplies for a prolonged period of time, Martin became more interested in sustainability, particularly developing methods for more efficient use of earth’s natural…

  • ESP Program Partners with AmeriCorps

    ESP Program Partners with AmeriCorps

    This year, in order to draw top applicants, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program has developed a partnership with Americorps and AmeriCorps Alums to help their alumni achieve success in graduate school. Each year, more than 80,000 Americorps volunteers engage in in service at nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups…

  • ESP Alum Focuses Career on Clean Energy Solutions

    ESP Alum Focuses Career on Clean Energy Solutions

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alumnus James Vener (‘07) entered the program with the intention of transitioning his career from environmental engineering to environmental policy, but was surprised to discover an interest in clean energy.

  • New Course to Feature Leading Sustainability Practitioners

    New Course to Feature Leading Sustainability Practitioners

    Some of the world’s leading sustainability practitioners are coming to campus next semester. They will be teaching students as part of a new course, Practicum in Innovative Sustainability Leadership, in the M.S. in Sustainability Management program. The course will cover a range of sustainability issues – from urban sustainability to green products – but it…

  • ESP Students Audit Campus Waste

    ESP Students Audit Campus Waste

    On November 14, one day before America Recycles Day, members of the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) class of 2014 conducted a waste audit in SIPA’s 4th floor “fishbowl,” the most visible and heavily used area of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). The audit was hosted by the SIPA Sustainability…

  • Apply Now for Spring Curriculum Grading Assistant Posts

    The Sustainability Management program is seeking candidates for the following curriculum and grading assistant positions for the spring 2014 semester.

  • Sustainability Management Student Expands Career View

    Sustainability Management Student Expands Career View

    While working as the project and sustainability planner for The Crane Resorts in her home country of Barbados, current MS in Sustainability Management student Lisa Howard realized that if she wanted to make a real difference in the sustainable built environment and tourism, she would need to have a more holistic understanding of the field.