Author: Brian Kateman5
Online Course – Sustainability and Investing
We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Sustainability and Investing online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.
Online Course – Environmental Markets: Business, Regulation, Sustainability
We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Environmental Markets: The Nexus of Business, Regulation and Sustainability online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.
Study Coral Reef Ecology in Bermuda
Bermuda is a world leader in marine conservation and the perfect place to experience the wonder of coral reefs. Let Columbia University’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC) and the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) be your guides to the world of corals through lecture, lab, and fieldwork.
Strategies from Ecology and Evolution for Business
Business strategy and the scientific disciplines of ecology and evolution share a similar vocabulary: competition, resources, game theory, and ecosystems. Companies and business theorists alike increasingly appreciate how natural systems provide powerful models for design, operations, and strategy. Join your colleagues and friends at CERC to learn more about Business Models: Strategies from Ecology and…
Eco-Markets: Business, Regulation, and Sustainability
Interested in learning more about environmental markets and the nexus between business, regulation, and sustainability? How does an organization trade carbon credits?
Disease Ecology and Conservation Medicine
Disease Ecology provides an overview of the principles of conservation medicine and disease ecology, with an emphasis on the effect of disease on human, wildlife and domestic animal and ecosystem health. It examines the impact of disease on biodiversity and rates of extinction, as well as the rise of emergent diseases as a result of…
A Struggle to Coexist with Nature – Dr. Shahid Naeem
Dr. Shahid Naeem, CERC’s Director of Science, examines humanity’s struggle to coexist with the natural environment.
Online Course – Introduction to Environmental Policy
We are excited to let you know that CERC is offering a piloted version of Introduction to Environmental Policy online as part of our Executive Education Program in Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.
Ecosystem Services for Conservation
Register for Ecosystem Services for Conservation and Poverty Reduction.