Author: Francesco Fiondella2
ACToday Empowers National Meteorological Services
As part of its goal to increase food security in six countries, the ACToday project has helped develop new climate services that lead to better agricultural decision making.
The Climate-Nutrition Connection in Food Security
In early 2021, ACToday, Cheikh Anta Diop University and Senegal’s national meteorological service organized a three-hour webinar to launch discussions about connections between climate and nutrition.
How ACToday Builds a Global Community of Climate-Trained Decision Makers
In the last year, project members trained more than 1,600 professionals and graduate students on integrating climate knowledge into food planning and policy, to help combat hunger.
Pod of the Planet Episode 17: Mapping Out a Vaccination Strategy in Nigeria
In this episode, we talk to two experts from the GRID3 program, which is providing geospatial data to support Nigeria’s COVID-19 vaccination planning.
How Universities Can Support Interdisciplinary Careers for Climate and Sustainability Progress
A webinar on March 17 will explore the issue in-depth.
Students Reflect on New Science Communications Course
Four students share their final projects for the class and talk about their biggest takeaways.
New System Tracks and Forecasts Outbreak Risk of Dengue and Zika
The system identifies areas where environmental conditions might enhance transmission of dengue, Zika, chikungunya and other diseases carried by Aedes mosquitoes. It could find at-risk areas a month in advance.
Climate Risk Insurance for Colombia’s Smallholder Rice Farmers
Insurance payouts based on weather conditions are helping to keep premiums low and enabling millions of farmers access to coverage previously unavailable to them.
COVID-19 Disruptions: Understanding Food Security Implications
The pandemic will test our food and trade systems in ways never experienced before. Food security research Michael Puma helps unravel the complex interplay of risks.