State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Guest121

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  • M.S. Students Propose Solution to Urban Food Waste

    M.S. Students Propose Solution to Urban Food Waste

    Four students have teamed up to create re:HARVEST, a food-sharing website and companion mobile application allowing users to notify each other when they have food available for pickup that would otherwise be wasted.

  • Identifying Capacity Building Needs for the Government of Haiti

    Identifying Capacity Building Needs for the Government of Haiti

    The Earth Institute’s Haiti Research and Policy Program at the Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development welcomed two distinguished speakers as part of the Spring 2013 Haiti Dialogue Series to discuss government capacity building and national monitoring systems for government funded programs.

  • Students Work on Net Zero Energy to Adaptation Planning Projects

    By Noah Morgenstein This past May, seniors in the Capstone Workshop in Sustainable Development delivered their final presentations to fellow students and faculty at Columbia University. The workshop is a required course for students in the Sustainable Development major or special concentration. Unlike traditional courses, the workshop requires students to work collaboratively on a client project…

  • M.S. Student Learns the Importance of Form and Function through Sustainable Design Courses

    M.S. Student Learns the Importance of Form and Function through Sustainable Design Courses

    Being able to model solutions visually is a critical component for managers’ intent for solving environmental problems. For that reason, perhaps, advancing the way we design the built environment has always been my keenest interest. Sustainable design requires more than just the ability to create spatially: it requires expansive considerations—materials, energy, water-use, financial feasibility, new…

  • Measuring the Effect of China’s Arctic Interests

    Measuring the Effect of China’s Arctic Interests

    Of non-Arctic states, China has shown the most interest in the Arctic as climate change opens up the region to new economic development. The ways in which China attempts to balance its economic interests and environmental responsibilities within its energy policy may provide a predictor of its future behavior in the Arctic.

  • Of Cow Dung, Cook Stoves and Sustainability in Practice

    Of Cow Dung, Cook Stoves and Sustainability in Practice

    When the Environmental Defense Fund asked me to measure how biogas cook stoves were changing the lives of farmers in rural India, there wasn’t a word in that question with which I was comfortable. Having just graduated from the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development, I had never done fieldwork; and the concept of a biogas…

  • Students Tour Via Verde, New York’s Most Sustainable Urban Housing in the Bronx

    By Noah Morgenstein This May, students in the Master of Science in Sustainability Management and the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development toured Via Verde, one of New York’s greenest housing complexes. From the photovoltaic solar panels to the rooftop gardens and water reclamation system, Via Verde embodies many of the practical approaches to sustainable development that…

  • A Healthy Collaboration

    A Healthy Collaboration

    IRI just renewed an agreement with the World Health Organization to be a collaborative center. Research scientist and center director Madeleine Thomson talks about past successes and future research directions.

  • Trouble in America’s Water Paradise

    Trouble in America’s Water Paradise

    America’s strong water infrastructure has been key to its success as a nation. Yet the nation’s continual waste of water and lack of commitment to long-term water investments has halted its progress.

  • M.S. Students Propose Solution to Urban Food Waste

    M.S. Students Propose Solution to Urban Food Waste

    Four students have teamed up to create re:HARVEST, a food-sharing website and companion mobile application allowing users to notify each other when they have food available for pickup that would otherwise be wasted.

  • Identifying Capacity Building Needs for the Government of Haiti

    Identifying Capacity Building Needs for the Government of Haiti

    The Earth Institute’s Haiti Research and Policy Program at the Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development welcomed two distinguished speakers as part of the Spring 2013 Haiti Dialogue Series to discuss government capacity building and national monitoring systems for government funded programs.

  • Students Work on Net Zero Energy to Adaptation Planning Projects

    By Noah Morgenstein This past May, seniors in the Capstone Workshop in Sustainable Development delivered their final presentations to fellow students and faculty at Columbia University. The workshop is a required course for students in the Sustainable Development major or special concentration. Unlike traditional courses, the workshop requires students to work collaboratively on a client project…

  • M.S. Student Learns the Importance of Form and Function through Sustainable Design Courses

    M.S. Student Learns the Importance of Form and Function through Sustainable Design Courses

    Being able to model solutions visually is a critical component for managers’ intent for solving environmental problems. For that reason, perhaps, advancing the way we design the built environment has always been my keenest interest. Sustainable design requires more than just the ability to create spatially: it requires expansive considerations—materials, energy, water-use, financial feasibility, new…

  • Measuring the Effect of China’s Arctic Interests

    Measuring the Effect of China’s Arctic Interests

    Of non-Arctic states, China has shown the most interest in the Arctic as climate change opens up the region to new economic development. The ways in which China attempts to balance its economic interests and environmental responsibilities within its energy policy may provide a predictor of its future behavior in the Arctic.

  • Of Cow Dung, Cook Stoves and Sustainability in Practice

    Of Cow Dung, Cook Stoves and Sustainability in Practice

    When the Environmental Defense Fund asked me to measure how biogas cook stoves were changing the lives of farmers in rural India, there wasn’t a word in that question with which I was comfortable. Having just graduated from the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development, I had never done fieldwork; and the concept of a biogas…

  • Students Tour Via Verde, New York’s Most Sustainable Urban Housing in the Bronx

    By Noah Morgenstein This May, students in the Master of Science in Sustainability Management and the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development toured Via Verde, one of New York’s greenest housing complexes. From the photovoltaic solar panels to the rooftop gardens and water reclamation system, Via Verde embodies many of the practical approaches to sustainable development that…

  • A Healthy Collaboration

    A Healthy Collaboration

    IRI just renewed an agreement with the World Health Organization to be a collaborative center. Research scientist and center director Madeleine Thomson talks about past successes and future research directions.

  • Trouble in America’s Water Paradise

    Trouble in America’s Water Paradise

    America’s strong water infrastructure has been key to its success as a nation. Yet the nation’s continual waste of water and lack of commitment to long-term water investments has halted its progress.