State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Margie Turrin4

  • Anatomy of an ‘Ice Station’

    Anatomy of an ‘Ice Station’

    Completing an “Ice Station” means collecting samples over a wide range of Arctic water and ice conditions. Each station means a major orchestration of people and resources.

  • Arctic Magic: One Research Vessel Multiplies to Hundreds

    Arctic Magic: One Research Vessel Multiplies to Hundreds

    The Arctic is magical, that we know, but when one ship multiplies to hundreds of small boats we really see the effect that Arctic magic can bring.

  • A Week of Firsts for This Arctic Nation

    A Week of Firsts for This Arctic Nation

    We are closing in on a week of intense focus and excitement for GEOTRACES and for the United States around the Arctic. President Obama became the first sitting president to visit Alaska, the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy with US GEOTRACES scientists completed the first unaccompanied US surface vessel transit to the North Pole, and…

  • It’s as Clear as Mud

    It’s as Clear as Mud

    For the sampling GEOTRACES is doing in the Arctic there is a specific goal of collecting just the top few dozen centimeters of sediment and the water just above it. Although the plan was good, things don’t always go perfectly.

  • Scouring Arctic for Traces of Fukushima and Cosmic Rays

    Scouring Arctic for Traces of Fukushima and Cosmic Rays

    Sounds like the basis for a great scifi thriller…”scientists scour Arctic, hunting for traces of nuclear fallout and ejections from cosmic ray impacts”. In reality this thriller theme is the actual core of the GEOTRACES mission.

  • Moving into the Realm of the Polar Bear

    Moving into the Realm of the Polar Bear

    When we venture into the Arctic for research for most of us there is the lingering hope that a polar bear will appear on our watch; at least as long as we are safely outside of its reach.

  • Tracing the Arctic

    Tracing the Arctic

    The land surrounding the Arctic Ocean is like a set of cradling arms, holding the ocean and the sea ice in a circular grasp. Within that cradle is a unique mix of waters, including freshwater from melting glacial ice and large rivers, and a salty mix of relatively warm Atlantic water and the cooler Pacific…

  • A Texas-Sized Block of Ice…

    A Texas-Sized Block of Ice…

    The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest of the Antarctic ice shelves, measuring just under the size of the state of Texas. It is several hundred meters thick, although most of this is below the water surface. Along the ~ 600 kilometer front edge of the shelf, the ice towers up to 50 meters in…

  • This Bird Flies South for the Winter

    This Bird Flies South for the Winter

    Migrating south in the winter is a behavior that Antarctic scientists share with many species of birds, although the scientists fly just a bit further south. For the IcePod team it was time to join the migration so they could test their equipment in the most challenging environment the Earth has to offer.

  • Anatomy of an ‘Ice Station’

    Anatomy of an ‘Ice Station’

    Completing an “Ice Station” means collecting samples over a wide range of Arctic water and ice conditions. Each station means a major orchestration of people and resources.

  • Arctic Magic: One Research Vessel Multiplies to Hundreds

    Arctic Magic: One Research Vessel Multiplies to Hundreds

    The Arctic is magical, that we know, but when one ship multiplies to hundreds of small boats we really see the effect that Arctic magic can bring.

  • A Week of Firsts for This Arctic Nation

    A Week of Firsts for This Arctic Nation

    We are closing in on a week of intense focus and excitement for GEOTRACES and for the United States around the Arctic. President Obama became the first sitting president to visit Alaska, the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy with US GEOTRACES scientists completed the first unaccompanied US surface vessel transit to the North Pole, and…

  • It’s as Clear as Mud

    It’s as Clear as Mud

    For the sampling GEOTRACES is doing in the Arctic there is a specific goal of collecting just the top few dozen centimeters of sediment and the water just above it. Although the plan was good, things don’t always go perfectly.

  • Scouring Arctic for Traces of Fukushima and Cosmic Rays

    Scouring Arctic for Traces of Fukushima and Cosmic Rays

    Sounds like the basis for a great scifi thriller…”scientists scour Arctic, hunting for traces of nuclear fallout and ejections from cosmic ray impacts”. In reality this thriller theme is the actual core of the GEOTRACES mission.

  • Moving into the Realm of the Polar Bear

    Moving into the Realm of the Polar Bear

    When we venture into the Arctic for research for most of us there is the lingering hope that a polar bear will appear on our watch; at least as long as we are safely outside of its reach.

  • Tracing the Arctic

    Tracing the Arctic

    The land surrounding the Arctic Ocean is like a set of cradling arms, holding the ocean and the sea ice in a circular grasp. Within that cradle is a unique mix of waters, including freshwater from melting glacial ice and large rivers, and a salty mix of relatively warm Atlantic water and the cooler Pacific…

  • A Texas-Sized Block of Ice…

    A Texas-Sized Block of Ice…

    The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest of the Antarctic ice shelves, measuring just under the size of the state of Texas. It is several hundred meters thick, although most of this is below the water surface. Along the ~ 600 kilometer front edge of the shelf, the ice towers up to 50 meters in…

  • This Bird Flies South for the Winter

    This Bird Flies South for the Winter

    Migrating south in the winter is a behavior that Antarctic scientists share with many species of birds, although the scientists fly just a bit further south. For the IcePod team it was time to join the migration so they could test their equipment in the most challenging environment the Earth has to offer.