Biden vs. Sanders: Who Has the Better Plan to Fix Climate Change?
Both democratic frontrunners have pledged to take action on climate change, but their plans differ widely.
The Coronavirus and Our Interconnected Economy and Biosphere
Our only real weapon to address the threats posed by the impact of science and technology is the human ingenuity required to develop additional science and technology.
Coronavirus Response Shows the World Is Not Ready for Climate-Induced Pandemics
The outbreak in China shows we still have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with global pandemics, which are expected to increase due to climate change.
No ‘Space’ for Earth in Newly Released Presidential Budget
While the proposal boosts NASA’s budget to explore other worlds, what about the one we’ve already got?
Framing the Climate Crisis as a Terrorism Issue Could Galvanize Action
A student argues that underlining global warming’s threats to national security could increase the sense of urgency and free up funding to take action.
It’s Not Just About Climate Change, It’s About Our Health – and the Energy Sector Is Key
Quickly transitioning our energy supplies to clean, low-carbon energy sources is a tremendous opportunity to improve our health.
The “Right” Whale to Save
Environmental Science and Policy students analyze legislation meant to save North Atlantic right whales from extinction.
Resisting Trump’s Relentless Attack on the Environment
By keeping informed and creatively exploring alternatives to federal anti-environmental policies, we can continue on the path of environmental progress.
Trump’s Destruction of National Monuments is Unethical and Short-Sighted
Preservation of national monuments is a moral issue—not a political, legal or economic issue—and we owe it to our children to stop Trump’s destruction of them.