Anillos de Crecimiento de los Árboles Revelan Aumento sin Precedentes en Extremos Climáticos en Sudamérica
Un nuevo Atlas Sudamericano de Sequía revela que las sequías severas expandidas y los períodos inusualmente húmedos sin precedentes han ido aumentando desde mediados del siglo XX.
Tree Rings Show Unprecedented Rise in Extreme Weather in South America
A new South American Drought Atlas reveals that unprecedented widespread, intense droughts and unusually wet periods have been on the rise since the mid-20th century.
Huge Land Buys Are Driving Tropical Forest Destruction
A new study finds that investments to establish new oil palm or tree plantations seem to consistently have higher rates of forest loss than other types of activities, such as mining and logging.
Climate Risk Insurance for Colombia’s Smallholder Rice Farmers
Insurance payouts based on weather conditions are helping to keep premiums low and enabling millions of farmers access to coverage previously unavailable to them.
ACToday Experts Take Part in Panel on Climate and Food Security
Experts discussed how climate and the coronavirus will affect food supply chains, and how university-led projects such as ACToday can help take on major challenges like these.
A Minority of Peruvian Mountain Farmers Benefit From Government Pandemic Programs
Many Peruvians sell roses to earn a living. A new government policy could make matters worse for small growers already hard hit by the pandemic.
COVID-19 Disruptions: Understanding Food Security Implications
The pandemic will test our food and trade systems in ways never experienced before. Food security research Michael Puma helps unravel the complex interplay of risks.
Climate-Driven Megadrought Is Emerging in Western U.S., Says Study
Scientists say a long-feared megadrought, worse than anything in recorded history, seems to be starting up in southwestern North America.
ACToday Columbia World Project Enabling Insurance to Reach a Million Farmers in Ethiopia
Affordable insurance against droughts and other climate risks will help to improve food security and protect smallholder farmers.