Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture: Applications Now Open!
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment’s annual training session will be held at Columbia University in New York City in June 2019. Applications are now open, and will be assessed on a rolling basis.
Almond Orchards in California: Healthy or Hazardous?
Why California almonds get such a bad rap.
Farmers and Climate Scientists Have More in Common Than You May Think
An eighth-generation farmer and student explains how science seeks to quantify and understand the changes that farmers understand intuitively.
The Intersection of Climate Science and Hope: A Personal Story
A man from Mali explains why he spent his summer working with Columbia’s Center for International Earth Science Information Network.
Here’s How Cameroon Can Achieve Land Contract Transparency
A new law promises to remove the shroud of secrecy that has hovered over contracts and concessions the government has signed with natural resource investors.
Corn, Obesity, and Navigating Healthy Eating Choices as a Parent
Our children learn to eat from us. Eat better, fill your plates with dark leafy greens and your kid is bound to follow.
Exploring Ecological Migration in Gansu Province, China
What the West sees as the Chinese government’s top-down decision making around ecological migration is actually a more complex process.
Does the El Niño Southern Oscillation Actually Matter for Food Security?
And why should we care what causes a drought?
How Climate Change Will Alter Our Food
As the world population continues to grow, global demand for food could increase dramatically by 2050. Yet the impacts of climate change threaten to decrease the quantity and quality of our food supplies.