MacArthur Foundation Supports Pilot to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Rural Ghana
With support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Earth Institute, Columbia University has launched a new pilot project aimed at decreasing maternal deaths by evaluating the feasibility, accessibility and acceptability of a package of proven interventions for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in the Millennium Village in Bonsaaso, Ghana. As a supplement to…
Climate Change and Religion
Andrew Revkin’s New York Times blog, Dot Earth, has been raising an interesting question recently: how can religion affect climate change? These two concepts may seem antithetical, one works with beliefs while the other strives to present hard data, but when broken down into parts, it can be seen that they could easily work together.…
This Year’s Sachs Student Lecture
On Tuesday, November 17, Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Earth Institute, will give his sixth annual student lecture from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Alfred Lerner Hall on the Columbia campus. The title of this year’s talk is “Choices for America’s Economic Future.” The topics of Sachs’ lectures have varied over the years, but…
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
Columbia University’s Earth Institute and the School of Continuing Education are pleased to announce a new Master of Science program which, pending approval by the University Senate, will admit its first class beginning in fall 2010.
World Pneumonia Day
Today is the first World Pneumonia Day (WPD).To demonstrate your solidarity with the millions of children who are afflicted with pneumonia every year, WPD asks that you wear blue jeans to school, work, or wherever you go on this day. WPD has organized a Global Pneumonia Summit of over 100 media representatives, scientists, political leaders,…
Changing the Urban Relationship to Food
With an Italian background, from a culture of food, as biologist and one time theatre producer, to me it makes sense to work with a research group that has the courage to break many taboos and re-discuss academic assumptions in an open and innovative way.
Wonder and Knowledge
On September 30th the Crossroads Cultural Center held a conference called Wonder and Knowledge that focused on “the origin of the universe in science and philosophy and the role of wonder in scientific discovery.” It was co-sponsored by the Columbia Catholic Ministry and the CSSR. Our very own Professor Pollack gave a captivating introduction concerning…
Scientists Visit Carbon Capture and Sequestration Site in Iceland
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions while meeting the world’s ever increasing energy needs is one of the greatest challenges of this century. Scientists, researchers and students at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, with the enduring support of donors like Gerry and Marguerite Lenfest, who helped establish the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, are developing novel approaches…
Katherine Pollard: What Makes Us Human?
For the past six years Katherine Pollard has been working with the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium comparing the genes of chimps and humans in order to more fully understand how the human genome has evolved. Using the software she created to study genomic data, Pollard was able to identify the areas of the human…