Poverty / Development5
From the Containment Lab to the Developing World
Yanis Ben Amor, executive director of the Center for Sustainable Development at the Earth Institute, uses his background in molecular biology to fight for health care access and education in Africa and South Asia.
Gentrification vs. Sustainable Neighborhood Development in Sunset Park, Brooklyn
Two futures exist for this neighborhood: one of gentrification and luxury real estate, the other of environmental justice, job growth and opportunities for people whose families have called Sunset Park home for generations.
How Private Philanthropies Can Maximize Their Impacts
In his new book, Philanthropy and Society, research scholar David Maurrasse highlights strategic and inclusive tactics that help philanthropic institutions to more effectively serve their communities.
Report Suggests Solutions for Making Coffee More Sustainable
Because of the intertwined crises of poverty and environmental stress, the future is bleak for coffee farmers in many countries — but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Researchers Study How Mauritius Achieves and Sustains Peace
At a time of harsh divisions across the world, this small island off the coast of Africa is one of only four countries free from both domestic and international conflict. What’s its secret?
Burkina Faso Study Shows Link Between Land Degradation and Migration
Sorting out the factors that drive migration can help countries to plan ahead and provide support systems.
GRID3 Project Aims to Put Everyone on the Map
Detailed population data from the project is helping to protect against disease and plan for new schools in low- and middle-income countries. It may also enhance food security and disaster response.
Apply Now for Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment’s annual training session will be held in June 2020.
Uma Óptica de Género É Essencial Para Sustentar a Paz: Evidências de Moçambique
Um novo relatório revela a importância de um entendimento amplo de ‘paz e segurança’ para explicar a insegurança enfrentada por mulheres e raparigas moçambicanas em suas vidas quotidianas.