Press Release18
Scientists Track Deep History of Planets’ Motions, and Effects on Earth’s Climate
Scientists are developing a geologic record of how other planets have influenced the orbit of Earth, and thus its climate, over the last 200 million-plus years.
Wallace Broecker, Prophet of Climate Change
Wallace Broecker, a geochemist who initiated key research into the history of earth’s climate and humans’ influence upon it, died Feb. 18 in New York. He was 87.
Confirming Long-Term Trend, 2018 Was Fourth Warmest Year on Record
Earth’s global surface temperatures in 2018 were the fourth warmest since modern record keeping began in the 1880s, according to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
How Can We Use the National Climate Assessment to Prepare for Climate Change?
While the Trump administration is doing its best to ignore recent findings, an upcoming report will focus on helping cities, states, and businesses develop mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Study Finds Sewage Bacteria Lurking in Hudson River Sediments
A new study shows that fecal bacteria from sewage can persist in far greater quantities in near-shore sediments than in the water of the Hudson River.
Current Megadrought in the West Could Be One of the Worst in History
A 19-year drought in the American West is one of the most severe in the past 1200 years—and climate change is partially to blame, according to new research.
Arsenic Contamination is Common in Punjabi Wells, Study Finds
But there’s a pretty simple solution that could protect a lot of people.
How Climate Impacts Solar and Wind Power Supply
New research shows that long-term weather patterns could have a huge effect on the success of renewable energy
Rainforest-Friendly Livelihoods Can Be More Lucrative Than Gold Mining
In the Peruvian Amazon, more sustainable occupations like fish farming and Brazil nut harvesting can pay off in more ways than one, according to a new study.