The Truth About Bioplastics
Plastics made from organic material are often touted as being eco-friendly, but do they live up to the hype?
Professor Dong Guo: China, Peer Effect and Sustainability
Sustainability isn’t just about the environment. Guo explains how social and economic factors, like employment and education, fit in.
How to Make the Holidays More Sustainable
It can be tough to balance holiday celebrations with a sustainable lifestyle, but there are ways to make greener choices without becoming a grinch.
Want to Save the World? Start by Eating Less Beef
If we ate half as many burgers and steaks each week, a new study calculates that it could have a profound effect on carbon emissions and the environment.
Spring 2018 Earth Institute Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities
By Chandler Precht The Earth Institute, Columbia University, is offering undergraduate students with research assistant opportunities during the spring 2018 semester. Undergraduates from Columbia and Barnard will be able to serve as research assistants on research projects related to sustainable development and the environment with distinguished faculty and researchers at the cutting edge of this…
Spring 2018 Earth Institute Internship Opportunities
By Chandler Precht The Earth Institute is offering undergraduate, graduate and PhD students with opportunities to intern in various departments and research centers in a variety of administration, communications and research roles. Interns work on a variety of sustainability-focused projects across The Earth Institute. These projects provide interns with hands-on workplace experience, allowing them to…
Puerto Rico Faces a Long Road to a Sustainable Future
Puerto Rico suffered an estimated $94 billion or more in damage, on top of an already sagging economy and $74 billion in debt. The island needs a total reboot. Can it do it sustainably?
Could Robo-Taxis Kill Public Transportation?
Self-driving cars will fundamentally change how we live and work. But not all of those changes will be positive.
New Class on Circular Economy for Sustainability Professionals
A truly sustainable economy may require fundamentally re-thinking how we make and consume products. A new course delves into the challenges and opportunities of this transformation.