COVID-19 Disruptions: Understanding Food Security Implications
The pandemic will test our food and trade systems in ways never experienced before. Food security research Michael Puma helps unravel the complex interplay of risks.
ACToday Columbia World Project Enabling Insurance to Reach a Million Farmers in Ethiopia
Affordable insurance against droughts and other climate risks will help to improve food security and protect smallholder farmers.
John Furlow: Helping Developing Countries Adapt to Climate Change
He and his team are deploying seasonal climate forecasts and index insurance to help Vietnamese farmers plan ahead for changing weather, and to enhance food security.
Video: Launch of NextGen Climate Forecasting System in Colombia
In August of 2019, Colombia’s national meteorological service, IDEAM, launched a state-of-the-art climate forecasting system called NextGen.
Report: Major Accomplishments of the ACToday Project
ACToday aims to combat hunger and improve food security by increasing climate knowledge in Ethiopia, Senegal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Colombia, and Guatemala.
Subseasonal Forecasting for the Indian Monsoon
Climate scientist Nachiketa Acharya uses medium-term forecasts to help Indian farmers with planning and decision-making.
Can We Predict ‘Climate Migrations’?
A prototype model considers climate and socioeconomic factors to see if displacements of people can be predicted and better explained.
Q&A with Juan Nicolás Hernandez-Aguilera on Coffee and Climate
How research at Columbia University is making coffee production more sustainable.
More Than Rice: The Future of Food Security in Vietnam
Representatives from Vietnamese government agencies and farmers’ groups came together at a recent workshop to discuss how to improve access to climate information for more effective decision making.