Advanced Consortium on Cooperation Conflict and Complexity6
Combating Global Climate Change at the Regional Scale
In a recent forum, researchers explained how Columbia Global Centers helped them appreciate the different priorities and approaches of other countries in regards to the climate crisis.
Uma Óptica de Género É Essencial Para Sustentar a Paz: Evidências de Moçambique
Um novo relatório revela a importância de um entendimento amplo de ‘paz e segurança’ para explicar a insegurança enfrentada por mulheres e raparigas moçambicanas em suas vidas quotidianas.
A Gender Lens is Essential to Sustaining Peace: Evidence from Mozambique
A new report reveals the importance of a broad understanding of “peace and security” to account for the challenges Mozambican women and girls face every day.
Apply Now for the Peace and Social Change Fellowship
The fellowship supports women grassroots activists working to promote peace and security. The deadline for applications is October 23.
How to Save a Rainforest: It’s All About Conflict Resolution
A new Earth Institute study offers practical lessons in the implementation of conflict sensitive conservation, a first outside of Africa.
Fusing Sustainability and Education in New York City Schools
Oren Pizmony-Levy works to help schools engage with environmental and social justice issues at every level.
A Day Without Ghost Towns and Guns: How African Women Leaders Reimagine Peace
At a recent panel, African women leaders shared powerful stories about the peace and security challenges they face, and how they’re carving strategic paths forward.
‘What’s the Point of the Revolution if You Can’t Dance?’
Nobel laureates and young feminist visionaries come together at a historic ‘Claiming our Space’ summit in Liberia.
Mixing Art and Environmental Science to Catalyze Social Change
Justin Brice Guariglia explains how he uses art to help people connect with the biggest ecological challenges of our time.