Center for Sustainable Development5
Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Women scientists play an essential role in the Earth Institute’s mission to understand how the planet works, how humans are changing it, and how to build a sustainable future.
The Injustice That Education Does to the Environment: A Story From a Survivor
What the world’s worst industrial disaster can teach us about how schools should engage students on environmental issues.
Testing Fluoride Levels in Indian Wells
A team of researchers taught social science students to test for high fluoride levels in their own villages, and experimented with creative ways to get the word out about the dangers of fluorosis.
Fall 2019 Earth Institute Internship Opportunities
A variety of undergraduate, graduate and PhD positions are available in various departments and research centers. Apply by September 11, 2019.
Education Brings Sectors Together to Address Fluorosis in Alirajpur
A new project from the Center for Sustainable Development and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory will use education interventions to try to curb fluorosis, caused by high fluoride levels in drinking water, in Alirajpur, India.
Merging Environment and Education Is Crucial for Sustainable Development
Over the past few years, Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable Development has been tackling sustainability issues through meaningful education on the environment.
Using Machine Learning to Eradicate the Tsetse Fly in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Columbia team is pioneering a machine learning-based imaging and sorting solution that would help to drastically reduce Africa’s tsetse population.
Spring 2019 Earth Institute Internship Opportunities
A variety of undergraduate, graduate and PhD positions are available in various departments and research centers. Apply by January 31, 2019.
6 Ways America Can Get Back on Track with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
And why our lives depend on it; an excerpt from professor Jeffrey Sachs’ new book, A New Foreign Policy.