circular economy
A Glimpse at the Columbia Climate School in the Green Mountains Program
Students from around the globe spent two weeks in Vermont learning about current issues and solutions in climate change.
Garbage, Product Design, and the Circular Economy
The key to building the circular economy is not consumer guilt or changed behavior but new business models and technologies that enable the economy to transform waste into a resource.
The Uses and Limits of Global Climate Conferences
Global conferences have educational and media value, but the new technologies, business models, and policies that will ultimately address the climate crisis will be implemented on local and national levels.
How to Give Gifts With the Planet in Mind
Sandra Goldmark shares tips on how to enjoy a more sustainable holiday season.
Using Recycled Materials, Designer Jianhui Yan Is Creating Sustainable Fashion
An interview with fashion designer Jianhui Yan, who’s been making beautiful and eco-friendly apparel for almost two decades.
Predicting The Pace of the Transition to Environmental Sustainability
The size of the human population, the political demands globally for increased material consumption, and the finite resources we still draw from the earth will drive the transition to environmental sustainability.
A Plastics Treaty Will Be Grand, but this Recycling Innovator in Indonesia Isn’t Waiting
A pop-up Sustain What conversation with a sustainability-focused entrepreneur building a plastic trash-to-resource business across eastern Indonesia.
Columbia Climate School has once again been selected as university partner for Climate Week NYC, an annual convening of climate leaders to drive the transition, speed up progress and champion change. Join us for events and follow our coverage.