cs impacts13
Pictures Worth a Thousand Words: How Satellite Imagery is Improving Agriculture in Developing Countries
A partnership between two research institutes is helping to promote sustainable land-use practices in African nations.
Basket Weaving Program Teaches Business Skills to Rwandan Women
A vocational training program through the Center for Sustainable Development is empowering women to become entrepreneurs and pursue higher education.
New Online Toolbox Helps Parents, Communities Keep Children Safe In Disasters
If disaster strikes while you’re at work, where will your children be taken? How can you ensure your children are protected?
This Website Calculates the Carbon Emissions From Your Daily Commute
How much does it actually matter if you take public transit instead of driving? Here’s an easy way to find out.
Ethiopia Establishes National Framework for Climate Services
In Ethiopia, climate variability can have a big impact on food, water, and health. A system to monitor and predict climate will help to keep people safe.
Tracking the Kilauea Eruption
Volcanologist Einat Lev is tracking lava flows at Hawaii’s volcanic eruption. Here, she describes what conditions are like on the ground—and in the sky.
Reconvened Scientific Advisory Committee on Climate Change Holds its First Meeting
An advisory committee disbanded by the federal government reunites at Columbia University to begin crafting recommendations for states, cities, and businesses to plan for climate change.
Predicting Hurricane Flooding Risks to the East Coast
Columbia University researchers to help translate hurricane science into projections for planning for climate and weather risks.
New Columbia World Project to Address Climate Risks to Food in Six Countries
The project will focus on climate threats to food and nutrition in six developing countries, bringing research out of the lab and into the real world.