State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

disturbance ecology

  • How Ice Scouring in the Antarctic Disrupts Ecosystems

    How Ice Scouring in the Antarctic Disrupts Ecosystems

    A recent study sheds light on how different types of species are affected by calving icebergs that tear apart the seafloor.

  • Climate Change and the Re-Greening of Puerto Rico

    Climate Change and the Re-Greening of Puerto Rico

    Ecologist Maria Uriarte investigates the effects of Hurricane Maria on the forests of Puerto Rico, and how long-term climate change may affect them.

  • Fire on the Mountain, Fire in the ‘Burbs

    Fire on the Mountain, Fire in the ‘Burbs

    I walked out of the house Thursday morning when my nose detected it – a forest fire! Having worked for two years in the piney woods of southwest Georgia, I had become accustomed to and, actually, come to love forest fires. That classic line kept coming into my mind, “the scent of fire in the…

  • How Ice Scouring in the Antarctic Disrupts Ecosystems

    How Ice Scouring in the Antarctic Disrupts Ecosystems

    A recent study sheds light on how different types of species are affected by calving icebergs that tear apart the seafloor.

  • Climate Change and the Re-Greening of Puerto Rico

    Climate Change and the Re-Greening of Puerto Rico

    Ecologist Maria Uriarte investigates the effects of Hurricane Maria on the forests of Puerto Rico, and how long-term climate change may affect them.

  • Fire on the Mountain, Fire in the ‘Burbs

    Fire on the Mountain, Fire in the ‘Burbs

    I walked out of the house Thursday morning when my nose detected it – a forest fire! Having worked for two years in the piney woods of southwest Georgia, I had become accustomed to and, actually, come to love forest fires. That classic line kept coming into my mind, “the scent of fire in the…