Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability
Can We Feed Billions of Ourselves Without Wrecking the Planet?
A new Earth Institute primer lays out the basics of achieving sustainable agriculture on a global scale.
Columbia Professor Shahid Naeem to Head Ecological Society of America
The Columbia ecologist will serve as the society’s president in 2023-2024.
Declining Biodiversity in Wild Amazon Fisheries Threatens Human Diet
New research suggests that declines in wild fish species may compromise nutrition in an already poor region. Substituting cultivated species may not help.
La Pérdida de la Biodiversidad en las Pesquerías continentales de la Amazonía Amenaza la Dieta Humana
Una nueva investigación sugiere que una disminución de especies de peces silvestres puede comprometer la nutrición en una región que ya padece de inseguridad alimentaria. Es posible que la sustitución de especies cultivadas no ayude.
Why Nature Is Good for Us: An Illustrated and Animated Guide
Earth Day is a time to celebrate the natural world. Being in nature can improve our mood and our mental and physical health. Plus, natural areas do a lot of work for us.
Protecting Biodiversity Requires Action at All Levels
As the U.N. gathers for a biodiversity summit, an alum reminds us that citizens’ actions and voices can make a difference, too.
Biodiverse Forests Better at Storing Carbon for Long Periods, Says Study
Supports policies that protect and regenerate natural forests instead of planting new ones.
Out on the Farm With SEE-U NYC
This summer, the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates gave students an in-depth look at the food systems in and around NYC.
Why You Should Shop at the Farmers Market
In honor of National Farmers Market Week, a staffer who used to work at the market tells us why farmers markets are valuable community resources.
Join us on Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Open House! Celebrate 75 years of science with us at our beautiful Palisades, NY campus. The event is free and open to everyone, with a suggested $5 donation. Learn More and RSVP