You Can Help Protect a Fish Species That Is Vital to Oceanic Ecosystems
Menhaden are used to make fish oil and fishmeal, but are harvested unsustainably. Fortunately, there are many alternatives at the grocery store.
Declining Biodiversity in Wild Amazon Fisheries Threatens Human Diet
New research suggests that declines in wild fish species may compromise nutrition in an already poor region. Substituting cultivated species may not help.
La Pérdida de la Biodiversidad en las Pesquerías continentales de la Amazonía Amenaza la Dieta Humana
Una nueva investigación sugiere que una disminución de especies de peces silvestres puede comprometer la nutrición en una región que ya padece de inseguridad alimentaria. Es posible que la sustitución de especies cultivadas no ayude.
Video: From Farm to Training in Bangladesh
A project that gives farmers access to climate information can help them implement management strategies that protect their fish and other crops.
Success of NY Offshore Wind Industry Depends on Collaboration with Scallop Fishery
A student asserts that wind development companies need to take fishermen’s concerns more seriously, so that both industries can coexist successfully.
Yakama Nation Fishery Succeeds In Restoring Columbia River Sturgeon
After near extinction due to overfishing, hydroelectric damming, and climate change, the Columbia River white sturgeon has made a comeback thanks to Indigenous-led restoration.
Warming Rivers Are Causing Die-Offs Among Alaska Salmon
As salmon suffer in Alaska’s warming snow- and rain-fed rivers, some scientists are looking to glaciers to predict the future of these fish.
How Well is the World Protecting Ecosystems and Human Health?
The new global environmental report card is out. The 2016 Environmental Performance Index graded 180 countries on how well they are protecting human health and their ecosystems. While the world is making progress in some areas, it is seriously falling behind in others.
Latest Environmental Performance Index Introduces New Indicators
Innovations in the 2014 EPI include a new wastewater treatment indicator; a new approach to climate change indicators; and two new satellite-derived indicators for air quality and forests.
Columbia Climate School has once again been selected as university partner for Climate Week NYC, an annual convening of climate leaders to drive the transition, speed up progress and champion change. Join us for events and follow our coverage.