State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

geospatial data

  • A Life Well Mapped

    A Life Well Mapped

    Mark Becker believed in the power of geospatial data and analysis to motivate our stewardship of the environment and guide development of sustainable approaches that balance human and environmental needs.

  • The Intersection of Population and Elevation Examined

    The Intersection of Population and Elevation Examined

    This map shows the estimated number of people in 2010 living at different elevation levels across several Southern Asian countries. The database it’s taken from lets users without specialized geospatial training or software compare populations in various environmental contexts in different countries.

  • A Life Well Mapped

    A Life Well Mapped

    Mark Becker believed in the power of geospatial data and analysis to motivate our stewardship of the environment and guide development of sustainable approaches that balance human and environmental needs.

  • The Intersection of Population and Elevation Examined

    The Intersection of Population and Elevation Examined

    This map shows the estimated number of people in 2010 living at different elevation levels across several Southern Asian countries. The database it’s taken from lets users without specialized geospatial training or software compare populations in various environmental contexts in different countries.