greenhouse gas emissions2
Project Takes A New Approach to Gauging New York City’s Emissions
Estimates say the city releases about 50 million tons of carbon a year, but no one has actually measured it. A new project is trying to change that.
Is Organic Food Really Better for the Environment?
Recent research suggests it might not be as sustainable as we might think, but it’s complicated.
You Asked: Should We All Go Vegetarian or Vegan to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint?
Short answer: Moderation is key.
You Asked: Are My Efforts to Reduce My Carbon Emissions Too Minor to Matter?
Individual efforts to reduce carbon emissions could, in fact, go a long way in making a difference.
New Report Lays Out Strategies to Curb Emissions From Government-Owned Enterprises
These companies are among the world’s leading carbon emitters, so there can be no climate success without them.
The Ocean Garbage Patch Is Tiny Compared to Our Carbon Footprint
How trash in our oceans can help us conceptualize and reduce our carbon emissions.
The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
With these simple changes, you can make a difference without making much of an effort or financial investment.
Cut! How the Entertainment Industry is Reducing Environmental Impacts
The film and TV industries are working to produce sustainable entertainment and changing the way you think about your favorite shows and movies.
Building Consensus on Climate and Sustainability Policy
The New York Times reported on a new international agreement that will phase out hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, a chemical that is used in refrigerators and air conditioners that is a powerful greenhouse gas. The irony is that HFCs were developed to replace chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, chemicals that caused a hole in our atmosphere’s ozone layer…