State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

groundwater depletion

  • America’s Groundwater Crisis

    America’s Groundwater Crisis

    The future of America’s water supply is an open question. The need for an adequate water supply is not open to question.

  • Study Sees Potential Ways to Mitigate India’s Risk of Groundwater Depletion

    Study Sees Potential Ways to Mitigate India’s Risk of Groundwater Depletion

    Government-subsidized electricity has played a big role in pumping out groundwater for irrigation at an unsustainable rate. Changing the system could help, say researchers.

  • In Biblical Land, Searching for Droughts Past and Future

    In Biblical Land, Searching for Droughts Past and Future

    Human-influenced climate warming has already reduced rainfall and increased evaporation in the Mideast, worsening water shortages. Up to now, climate scientists had projected that rainfall could decline another 20 percent by 2100. But the Dead Sea cores suggest that things could become much worse, much faster.

  • Study Downgrades Groundwater Contribution to Sea Level Rise

    Study Downgrades Groundwater Contribution to Sea Level Rise

    Some research suggests that, along with melting ice sheets and glaciers, the water pumped from underground for irrigation and other uses, on the rise worldwide, could contribute substantially to rising sea levels over the next 50 years. A new study published in Nature Climate Change says the magnitude is substantially lower.

  • The Growing Groundwater Crisis

    The Growing Groundwater Crisis

    Groundwater is being depleted at alarming rates, not only in drought-stricken California, but around the world. When groundwater is depleted, it can take tens to hundreds of years to for it to reestablish its sustainable level, if at all. What can be done to avert a water crisis?

  • US Groundwater Declines More Widespread Than Commonly Thought

    US Groundwater Declines More Widespread Than Commonly Thought

    Groundwater levels are dropping across a much wider swath of the United States than is generally discussed, according to a new report, suggesting that the nation’s long-term pattern of groundwater use is broadly unsustainable.

  • Achieving Sustainable Water, Energy and Agriculture in Gujarat, India

    Achieving Sustainable Water, Energy and Agriculture in Gujarat, India

    Watch a video about the Columbia Water Center’s project to address a looming water crisis in north Gujarat, India.

  • The Middle East Dries Up—Another Case Study in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

    The Middle East Dries Up—Another Case Study in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

    As seductive as it is, depleting non-renewable aquifers to grow food is fundamentally unsustainable for the long term, as Saudi Arabia and other nations are finding out. According to a recent article by Lester Brown, in the 1970s the world’s largest oil producer realized it could use oil-drilling technology to tap deep underwater aquifers and—amazingly,…

  • Scary Water Study from the NRDC

    Scary Water Study from the NRDC

    A fascinating and frightening recent study from the National Resources Defense Council unveiled serious threats to water sustainability in the United States over the coming decades. In an era of rapidly unfolding climate change, the Council’s research found that more than 1,100 counties, or one third of all counties in the lower 48 states, face…

  • America’s Groundwater Crisis

    America’s Groundwater Crisis

    The future of America’s water supply is an open question. The need for an adequate water supply is not open to question.

  • Study Sees Potential Ways to Mitigate India’s Risk of Groundwater Depletion

    Study Sees Potential Ways to Mitigate India’s Risk of Groundwater Depletion

    Government-subsidized electricity has played a big role in pumping out groundwater for irrigation at an unsustainable rate. Changing the system could help, say researchers.

  • In Biblical Land, Searching for Droughts Past and Future

    In Biblical Land, Searching for Droughts Past and Future

    Human-influenced climate warming has already reduced rainfall and increased evaporation in the Mideast, worsening water shortages. Up to now, climate scientists had projected that rainfall could decline another 20 percent by 2100. But the Dead Sea cores suggest that things could become much worse, much faster.

  • Study Downgrades Groundwater Contribution to Sea Level Rise

    Study Downgrades Groundwater Contribution to Sea Level Rise

    Some research suggests that, along with melting ice sheets and glaciers, the water pumped from underground for irrigation and other uses, on the rise worldwide, could contribute substantially to rising sea levels over the next 50 years. A new study published in Nature Climate Change says the magnitude is substantially lower.

  • The Growing Groundwater Crisis

    The Growing Groundwater Crisis

    Groundwater is being depleted at alarming rates, not only in drought-stricken California, but around the world. When groundwater is depleted, it can take tens to hundreds of years to for it to reestablish its sustainable level, if at all. What can be done to avert a water crisis?

  • US Groundwater Declines More Widespread Than Commonly Thought

    US Groundwater Declines More Widespread Than Commonly Thought

    Groundwater levels are dropping across a much wider swath of the United States than is generally discussed, according to a new report, suggesting that the nation’s long-term pattern of groundwater use is broadly unsustainable.

  • Achieving Sustainable Water, Energy and Agriculture in Gujarat, India

    Achieving Sustainable Water, Energy and Agriculture in Gujarat, India

    Watch a video about the Columbia Water Center’s project to address a looming water crisis in north Gujarat, India.

  • The Middle East Dries Up—Another Case Study in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

    The Middle East Dries Up—Another Case Study in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

    As seductive as it is, depleting non-renewable aquifers to grow food is fundamentally unsustainable for the long term, as Saudi Arabia and other nations are finding out. According to a recent article by Lester Brown, in the 1970s the world’s largest oil producer realized it could use oil-drilling technology to tap deep underwater aquifers and—amazingly,…

  • Scary Water Study from the NRDC

    Scary Water Study from the NRDC

    A fascinating and frightening recent study from the National Resources Defense Council unveiled serious threats to water sustainability in the United States over the coming decades. In an era of rapidly unfolding climate change, the Council’s research found that more than 1,100 counties, or one third of all counties in the lower 48 states, face…