State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • One Planet, Too Many People?

    One Planet, Too Many People?

    Can we manage the needs of 9 billion people for water, food and energy without depleting our resources and ruining the environment? “The solutions,” says Tim Fox, “are all within the capability of existing technology.”

  • Putting the ‘Death’ Back Into Death Valley?

    Popular Tourist Stop May Have More Potential to Explode Than Thought

  • What are the Keystone XL Pipeline Risks to Water Resources?

    What are the Keystone XL Pipeline Risks to Water Resources?

    One of the issues most passionately discussed now in the media and blogosphere is the KeystoneXL Pipeline proposal, to allow Canadian oil and gas company TransCanada to build a pipeline to transfer tar sands oil from Alberta to Texas. So what are the arguments?

  • In Dry Texas, Recycled Water Looks Better and Better

    In Dry Texas, Recycled Water Looks Better and Better

    As the drought in Texas continues with no end in sight, some cities are turning to innovative water alternatives in an attempt to maintain quality of life as they know it. The new mindset includes viewing waste water as an asset.

  • Water Problems Are Solvable: The International Water Forum at the UN

    Water Problems Are Solvable: The International Water Forum at the UN

    Water problems are solvable. None of the many challenges are outside of the ability of human-kind to respond and resolve. As with so many things, political will and money are needed, but the International Water Forum at the UN took it further; the general public has to understand and care before the political will and…

  • Water, Oil, Food – A Crisis for Saudi Arabia and the World

    Water, Oil, Food – A Crisis for Saudi Arabia and the World

    A water crisis is unfolding in Saudi Arabia that could have profound implications for both the Saudi people and for the rest of the world.

  • Bottled Water – Big Business in Indonesia

    Bottled Water – Big Business in Indonesia

    The movement to challenge the bottled water industry has come a pretty long way in countries like the USA, Australia and Canada. Public education campaigns by organizations like the Council of Canadians, Pacific Institute and Corporate Accountability International, have debunked the myth that bottled water is necessarily cleaner or healthier than tap water, and emphasized…

  • Western Water Woes – Is Big Infrastructure the Way to Go?

    Western Water Woes – Is Big Infrastructure the Way to Go?

    Guest Blog by Michael Clark Pat Mulroy, the general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, spoke on July 20 at a US Chamber of Commerce conference, as part of its Invest in Water Initiative, and proposed a bold idea: build a pipeline to divert Mississippi River flood waters to the West. This, she said,…

  • Walking the Tightrope of Groundwater Management

    Walking the Tightrope of Groundwater Management

    As climate changes and supplying water becomes more challenging, one company says it has a better management strategy.

  • One Planet, Too Many People?

    One Planet, Too Many People?

    Can we manage the needs of 9 billion people for water, food and energy without depleting our resources and ruining the environment? “The solutions,” says Tim Fox, “are all within the capability of existing technology.”

  • Putting the ‘Death’ Back Into Death Valley?

    Popular Tourist Stop May Have More Potential to Explode Than Thought

  • What are the Keystone XL Pipeline Risks to Water Resources?

    What are the Keystone XL Pipeline Risks to Water Resources?

    One of the issues most passionately discussed now in the media and blogosphere is the KeystoneXL Pipeline proposal, to allow Canadian oil and gas company TransCanada to build a pipeline to transfer tar sands oil from Alberta to Texas. So what are the arguments?

  • In Dry Texas, Recycled Water Looks Better and Better

    In Dry Texas, Recycled Water Looks Better and Better

    As the drought in Texas continues with no end in sight, some cities are turning to innovative water alternatives in an attempt to maintain quality of life as they know it. The new mindset includes viewing waste water as an asset.

  • Water Problems Are Solvable: The International Water Forum at the UN

    Water Problems Are Solvable: The International Water Forum at the UN

    Water problems are solvable. None of the many challenges are outside of the ability of human-kind to respond and resolve. As with so many things, political will and money are needed, but the International Water Forum at the UN took it further; the general public has to understand and care before the political will and…

  • Water, Oil, Food – A Crisis for Saudi Arabia and the World

    Water, Oil, Food – A Crisis for Saudi Arabia and the World

    A water crisis is unfolding in Saudi Arabia that could have profound implications for both the Saudi people and for the rest of the world.

  • Bottled Water – Big Business in Indonesia

    Bottled Water – Big Business in Indonesia

    The movement to challenge the bottled water industry has come a pretty long way in countries like the USA, Australia and Canada. Public education campaigns by organizations like the Council of Canadians, Pacific Institute and Corporate Accountability International, have debunked the myth that bottled water is necessarily cleaner or healthier than tap water, and emphasized…

  • Western Water Woes – Is Big Infrastructure the Way to Go?

    Western Water Woes – Is Big Infrastructure the Way to Go?

    Guest Blog by Michael Clark Pat Mulroy, the general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, spoke on July 20 at a US Chamber of Commerce conference, as part of its Invest in Water Initiative, and proposed a bold idea: build a pipeline to divert Mississippi River flood waters to the West. This, she said,…

  • Walking the Tightrope of Groundwater Management

    Walking the Tightrope of Groundwater Management

    As climate changes and supplying water becomes more challenging, one company says it has a better management strategy.