Water-Saving Project in Punjab, India Reaches Out to Farmers Through Cooperatives
After working with over 500 farmers last year to conduct a field experiment on the use of tensiometers to reduce irrigation in rice fields, this year they will be working with about 5,000. As part of this expansion, our program partners at the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) are working with Cooperative Societies, a network of…
Giving the Earth a Cool Shower–Is Massive Irrigation Hiding the Greenhouse Effect Around the World?
According to research published in Climate Dynamics by Benjamin I. Cook, Michael Puma and Nir Krakauer, it is possible that massive irrigation is masking expected warming trends from Greenhouse Gasses .
Attack of the Warzone Water Bottles
Using bottled water in war zones uses oil and pollutes the environment. But Defense officials are looking to move toward sustainability.
Post bin Laden, Working Toward Afghanistan’s Water Security
Osama bin Laden is history, but decades of war and civil strife pose challenges to Afghanistan’s water infrastructure.
Clean Water vs. Cheap Energy: Can We Have Both?
The social fabric of a water quality debate: Anti-fracking protesters converge on Albany… again. A battle of wills between advocates of clean water and cheap energy ensues.
Reusing Dirty Water
Columbia Water Center guest lecturer Raymond Farinato talks about increasing water supply by reusing wastewater in industrial applications.
British Royals’ Green Wedding
The Royal wedding used up a lot of resources, but Will and Kate did their best to keep it green.
Pennsylvania’s Gasland Spill
Pennsylvania well spills tens of thousands of gallons of fracking fluid into a nearby creek; Gasland director Josh Fox talks to Columbia University about renewable energy.
Fracking Panel Comes to NYC
In an effort to present various views on hydraulic fracturing, a panel of experts spoke to the public at Barnard College in New York City last Tuesday night. Known colloquially as fracking or hydrofracking, hydraulic fracturing has been regarded by many as a potential threat to New York City’s drinking water supply. The mere possibility…