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Heat Waves: Climate School Experts Available to Comment
Hundreds of people have lost their lives in Spain and Portugal due to a heat wave that is moving north and east.
More Frequent European Heat Waves Linked to Changes in Jet Stream
A new study shows that weather systems that normally cool part of the continent are being diverted northward. This is combining with overall warming to produce long-lived heat waves.
How Can We Make Heat Waves Less Deadly?
Though often underestimated, extreme heat is the leading weather-related killer in the U.S.
Warning: Pakistan Is at the Broiling Point
There has never been a clearer call to climate action, nor more compelling evidence that climate change is an acute threat multiplier in the poorest, most vulnerable frontline countries in the world.
Climate Change May Have Huge Impacts on Staple Crops Within 10 Years, Says NASA
The study projects that wheat will do better in temperate regions, but corn production could plummet in warmer ones. Some crops may decline in nutritional value.
Exposure to Deadly Urban Heat Worldwide Has Tripled in Recent Decades, Says Study
A detailed analysis of temperatures and population trends in 13,115 cities shows where specific numbers of people are most affected.
Attribution Science: Linking Climate Change to Extreme Weather
Scientists can now determine what role climate change plays in making extreme weather events more frequent and intense.
Summer Forecast: Dangerous Heat, Fire, and an Active Hurricane Season
Climate change may be loading the dice for a tough summer.
Why Climate Change is an Environmental Justice Issue
Climate change is a threat to everyone, but some groups—socially and economically disadvantaged ones—face the greatest risks.