Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory186
What Was That Big Bang?
Iran seems to be moving toward an atomic bomb; North Korea reportedly could build a half dozen; and terrorist attacks have revived the specter of a faceoff between nuclear-armed Pakistan and India. Yet the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, forbidding nuclear testing, has failed to win ratification from the U.S. Senate and lawmakers of some other nations. Opponents say scientists cannot reliably detect clandestine tests: Why should…
Major Drilling Ship Back at Sea
JOIDES Resolution to Range From Bering Sea to Antarctic
Antarctic Scientists Inaugurate ‘Ocean Station Obama’
Far From Washington, Gathering Climate Data Under New President
Wallace Broecker Wins (Yet Another) Top Prize
Climate Scientist Who Sounded Early Warnings Is Still At Work
J. Lamar Worzel, Physicist Who Set Man’s Ear to Oceans
A wizardly improviser who guided sub warfare and charting of depths
Abrupt Climate Shifts May Come Sooner, Not Later
Rising Seas, Severe Drought, Could Come in Decades, Says U.S. Report
Geophysicist Wins ‘Women of Discovery’ Award
Maya Tolstoy Recognized for Deep-Sea Exploration
Rocks Could Be Harnessed to Sponge Vast Amounts of Carbon Dioxide from Air, Say Researchers
Proposed Method Would Speed Natural Reactions a Million Times
Urban Earthquakes, Nuclear Bombs and 9/11
Seismologist Honored for Work Local and Global