Lenfest Center
Eco-Theater Engages Visitors at Lamont-Doherty’s Open House
Visitors to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s open house on Oct. 11 could tune in to a performance of “Salty Folk” by Superhero Clubhouse, a collective of artists and environmental advocates. Created by Jeremy Pickard and Nate Weida, the play uses music and humor to illustrate the history and importance of New York Harbor through the “eyes”…
Join the Crowd: Scenes from the Climate March
Student Jane Rebecca Marchant was one among the hundreds of thousands who joined the People’s Climate March Sunday, and she took a lot of photos. You can see her photo essay on the march on the website of the Morningside Post, the student-run newspaper at the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.
10 Reasons to Take Direct Air Capture Seriously
Though still requiring more research and development, direct air capture, a technology that extracts CO2 from ambient air, offers reason for optimism. It is economically viable in several areas and can permit negative emissions to eventually stabilize atmospheric concentrations. While current support for the pioneers in this industry comes from private and philanthropic investment, here…
The Advances and Challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage
While in energy policy discussions, I heard carbon capture, utilization and storage consistently dismissed as either too expensive or too uncertain in a low-carbon future that favors natural gas, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Yet as was made clear during the three-day Research Coordination Network on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage annual meeting hosted by…
From Theory to Reality: Closing the Carbon Loop
Carbon capture, storage and reuse has the potential to help us reduce CO2 emissions and combat global warming. The Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy is bringing together experts from an array of fields to assess the state of the technology April 14-16.
Researcher Takes Measure of Carbon Storage in Iceland
The idea of capturing carbon and storing it away offers an appealing solution to the “greenhouse gas” emissions from fossil fuels that are warming the planet. But how can we measure the process well enough to know what sort of impact the technology has?
A Different Climate Change Message, on Stage Nov. 2-3
The Superhero Clubhouse eco-theater group will be putting on a double-billed performance –Don’t Be Sad Flying Ace! and Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret- on November 2nd and 3rd at the Theater at the 14th St. Y, 344 East 14th Street (between 1st and 2nd Aves).
National Grid Joins the Corporate Circle
The Earth Institute is pleased to welcome National Grid into the Corporate Circle, a collective partnership of leading corporations from across the globe committed to pursuing sustainable development objectives. Through a generous gift, National Grid will support sustainable energy research at the Earth Institute.
Klaus Lackner Takes Step Toward Workable Carbon Capture Technology
Klaus Lackner’s approach to slowing global warming is to scrub carbon dioxide from the air—literally.