State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Media Advisories3

  • El Niño: Resources for Journalists

    El Niño: Resources for Journalists

    El Niño is earth’s most powerful climate cycle, influencing weather and affecting crops, water supplies and public health globally. What may be the strongest El Niño ever measured is now getting underway, and is already affecting parts of the world.

  • AGU 2014: Key Events from The Earth Institute

    AGU 2014: Key Events from The Earth Institute

    Scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute will present important talks at the Dec. 15-19 meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the world’s largest gathering of earth and space scientists. Here is a journalists’ guide in rough chronological order.

  • Hydraulic Fracturing: Resources for Journalists

    Hydraulic Fracturing: Resources for Journalists

    (Updated Feb. 12, 2019)    Earth Institute scientists can offer a wide range of expertise to journalists covering natural-gas production using hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking). This includes basics of energy exploration and extraction; rock mechanics; contaminants in underground water; manmade earthquakes; and economic/political questions surrounding the practice. Here is a brief guide. (Click on hyperlinks for individual…

  • Gulf Oil Spill Resources

    Earth Institute researchers in many disciplines are studying the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and are available to provide information and perspective to press. These include experts in regional seafloor geology; technology of deepwater drilling and spill control; measurement of spill flow; potential movements via underwater or surface currents; possible biological effects; potential effects of…

  • Haiti Quake and Reconstruction Resources

    Earth Institute scientists are involved in long-term projects to study continued earthquake risk in Haiti and surrounding countries, and to aid reconstruction and development. Our Haiti Earthquake pages: contain continually updated resources for journalists. Seismologists, natural-disaster experts and others continue to provide interviews, images and essays on the implications and outlook. These include assessments…

  • El Niño: Resources for Journalists

    El Niño: Resources for Journalists

    El Niño is earth’s most powerful climate cycle, influencing weather and affecting crops, water supplies and public health globally. What may be the strongest El Niño ever measured is now getting underway, and is already affecting parts of the world.

  • AGU 2014: Key Events from The Earth Institute

    AGU 2014: Key Events from The Earth Institute

    Scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute will present important talks at the Dec. 15-19 meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the world’s largest gathering of earth and space scientists. Here is a journalists’ guide in rough chronological order.

  • Hydraulic Fracturing: Resources for Journalists

    Hydraulic Fracturing: Resources for Journalists

    (Updated Feb. 12, 2019)    Earth Institute scientists can offer a wide range of expertise to journalists covering natural-gas production using hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking). This includes basics of energy exploration and extraction; rock mechanics; contaminants in underground water; manmade earthquakes; and economic/political questions surrounding the practice. Here is a brief guide. (Click on hyperlinks for individual…

  • Gulf Oil Spill Resources

    Earth Institute researchers in many disciplines are studying the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and are available to provide information and perspective to press. These include experts in regional seafloor geology; technology of deepwater drilling and spill control; measurement of spill flow; potential movements via underwater or surface currents; possible biological effects; potential effects of…

  • Haiti Quake and Reconstruction Resources

    Earth Institute scientists are involved in long-term projects to study continued earthquake risk in Haiti and surrounding countries, and to aid reconstruction and development. Our Haiti Earthquake pages: contain continually updated resources for journalists. Seismologists, natural-disaster experts and others continue to provide interviews, images and essays on the implications and outlook. These include assessments…