Millennium Villages5
Perspectives on Monitoring and Evaluation in the African Millennium Villages
Dr. Paul Pronyk, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation for the Millennium Villages Project (joined by Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the MVP and Dr. Prabhjot Singh, Director of System Design of the MVP) As the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation at the Centre for Global Health and Economic Development at The Earth Institute, I…
Kenyan Minister Asserts MVP’s Impact on Nation-Wide Malaria Breakthrough
“The Millennium Villages Project, and Professor Sachs individually, had a huge effect in enabling Kenya to pursue a policy of mass distribution of bed nets and the shift to community-based treatment of malaria. The Millennium Villages Project informed our government about the efficacy of such policy breakthroughs. Professor Sachs’s advocacy inside Kenya, with the Global…
Ban Ki-moon, George Soros and Other Partners Show Support for Millennium Villages
Yesterday at United Nations headquarters in New York, the Millennium Villages Project announced it would move into the second phase of its work with a focus on business development, increasing investments, scaling up, and strengthening delivery systems as it continues on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. More than $72 million in…
Rwanda to Scale Up Millennium Villages Model
With a renewed sense of urgency, the government of Rwanda has committed to combating poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals by supporting new initiatives in health, agriculture, education, infrastructure and business development. The Honorable James Musoni, the Rwandan Minister of Local Government, cemented the partnership with the MDG Centre through a Memorandum of Understanding…
JM Eagle CEO Walter Wang Tours Millennium Villages in East Africa
JM Eagle CEO Walter Wang visited Millennium Villages in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda to see the impact of clean and reliable water systems made possible through his company’s donations.
New health and community facilities in Sauri
Post by Salome Munyendo Members of the small community of Uranga, in Western Kenya, don’t have to walk long distances anymore to access healthcare. Now, they can visit St. Elizabeth Onding dispensary, which was inaugurated recently by local officials and the Sauri Millennium Village team. The villagers were so aware of the need for such…
A Call for One Million Community Health Workers
By Anne Liu and Sarah Sullivan Extending the reach of public health systems through a well-trained and supported community health workforce is the best step we can take in meeting the MDGs. This can be done by strengthening health systems and increasing equity in health care access by extending care to the world’s most vulnerable…
Earth Institute and Merck Foundation Expand Health Program in Africa’s Millennium Villages
With $1 million in renewed support from The Merck Company Foundation, the Millennium Villages project will continue to strengthen its Community Health Worker (CHW) program to address gaps in primary health care availability in sub-Saharan Africa. Initial funding of $869,000 from The Merck Company Foundation launched the first phase of the project in 2009 by…
Mama kit: Every detail counts in fight for maternal health
Post by Shakilah Bint Shiekh Improving maternal health and encouraging expectant women to deliver at a health facility is a priority for the Millennium Villages Project (MVP). Several interventions are being implemented to boost institutional delivery. In Ruhiira, Uganda, only 8% of pregnant women delivered in a facility when the project first started. This number…