State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

MPA in Environmental Science and Policy News14

  • MPA Alum Focuses on Solar Energy

    MPA Alum Focuses on Solar Energy

    In her role as a New York State Solar Ombudsman for the City University of New York at Sustainable CUNY , Erica Helson (MPA-ESP ’14) is applying skills she learned in the program to further her career in advancing solar energy in the city of New York. Prior to joining the MPA in Environmental Science…

  • Earth Institute Launches Student Sustainability Solutions Website

    Earth Institute Launches Student Sustainability Solutions Website

    A new Earth Institute website – Student Sustainability Solutions – showcases more than 200 projects that students have completed for some of the most notable governmental and non-profit organizations in the world. The website is also a repository of analysis and innovation across nearly every major sustainability issue, including biodiversity, climate change, and environmental justice.

  • Training Prepares Sustainability Students for LEED Exam

    Training Prepares Sustainability Students for LEED Exam

    Some 50 Columbia students and alumni participated in a training on the LEED v4 accreditation exam, the newest version of the LEED green building program. Participants were students and graduates from across the Earth Institute’s education programs, who were interested in taking the Green Associate exam and adding LEED accreditation to their repertoire of professional…

  • Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

    Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

    On Tuesday, authors Steven Cohen, William Eimicke, and Alison Miller celebrated the release of their new book, Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy. Moderated by Columbia MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Curtis Probst, the authors discussed the critical role of government and public policy in bringing about a sustainable economy…

  • MPA Students Focus on Campus Waste

    MPA Students Focus on Campus Waste

    During the fall 2014 semester, members of the MPA in Environmental Science class of 2015 conducted campus-wide waste audits to gain a better understanding of student recycling habits. Read an account of the project from Adrian Ang, one of leaders of the waste audit project

  • Student Profile: Sherif Kamal

    Student Profile: Sherif Kamal

    For Sherif Kamal, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program offered a unique blend of science and policy to help further his career international policy design. Through leadership roles in both classes and social groups, Sherif is gaining invaluable management experience while learning about current environmental challenges.

  • MPA Alum Focuses on a Green Future for New York City

    MPA Alum Focuses on a Green Future for New York City

    Through her role as a Parks Analyst with the New York City Department Parks and Recreation, Katie Edmond (MPA-ESP ’14) is working toward a greener future for New Yorkers in high-need communities.

  • MPA Alum Focuses on China’s Energy System

    MPA Alum Focuses on China’s Energy System

    In his role as an Economic Analyst at the Environmental Defense Fund, Sheng Yan (MPA-ESP ’13) is able to combine his scientific knowledge and management skills to create long-term change in his native China.

  • Student Profile: Jessica Cunningham

    Student Profile: Jessica Cunningham

    For Jessica Cunningham, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program offers the ideal tools for a successful career in environmental policy. By combining an innovative science curriculum with professional experience in project management, Jessica is preparing to launch a career in urban planning policy following graduation.

  • MPA Alum Focuses on Solar Energy

    MPA Alum Focuses on Solar Energy

    In her role as a New York State Solar Ombudsman for the City University of New York at Sustainable CUNY , Erica Helson (MPA-ESP ’14) is applying skills she learned in the program to further her career in advancing solar energy in the city of New York. Prior to joining the MPA in Environmental Science…

  • Earth Institute Launches Student Sustainability Solutions Website

    Earth Institute Launches Student Sustainability Solutions Website

    A new Earth Institute website – Student Sustainability Solutions – showcases more than 200 projects that students have completed for some of the most notable governmental and non-profit organizations in the world. The website is also a repository of analysis and innovation across nearly every major sustainability issue, including biodiversity, climate change, and environmental justice.

  • Training Prepares Sustainability Students for LEED Exam

    Training Prepares Sustainability Students for LEED Exam

    Some 50 Columbia students and alumni participated in a training on the LEED v4 accreditation exam, the newest version of the LEED green building program. Participants were students and graduates from across the Earth Institute’s education programs, who were interested in taking the Green Associate exam and adding LEED accreditation to their repertoire of professional…

  • Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

    Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy

    On Tuesday, authors Steven Cohen, William Eimicke, and Alison Miller celebrated the release of their new book, Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy. Moderated by Columbia MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Curtis Probst, the authors discussed the critical role of government and public policy in bringing about a sustainable economy…

  • MPA Students Focus on Campus Waste

    MPA Students Focus on Campus Waste

    During the fall 2014 semester, members of the MPA in Environmental Science class of 2015 conducted campus-wide waste audits to gain a better understanding of student recycling habits. Read an account of the project from Adrian Ang, one of leaders of the waste audit project

  • Student Profile: Sherif Kamal

    Student Profile: Sherif Kamal

    For Sherif Kamal, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program offered a unique blend of science and policy to help further his career international policy design. Through leadership roles in both classes and social groups, Sherif is gaining invaluable management experience while learning about current environmental challenges.

  • MPA Alum Focuses on a Green Future for New York City

    MPA Alum Focuses on a Green Future for New York City

    Through her role as a Parks Analyst with the New York City Department Parks and Recreation, Katie Edmond (MPA-ESP ’14) is working toward a greener future for New Yorkers in high-need communities.

  • MPA Alum Focuses on China’s Energy System

    MPA Alum Focuses on China’s Energy System

    In his role as an Economic Analyst at the Environmental Defense Fund, Sheng Yan (MPA-ESP ’13) is able to combine his scientific knowledge and management skills to create long-term change in his native China.

  • Student Profile: Jessica Cunningham

    Student Profile: Jessica Cunningham

    For Jessica Cunningham, the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program offers the ideal tools for a successful career in environmental policy. By combining an innovative science curriculum with professional experience in project management, Jessica is preparing to launch a career in urban planning policy following graduation.