MPA in Environmental Science and Policy3
The Constant Evolution of Education for Sustainability Professionals
Education requires both change and stability, and the quest for balance between timeless concepts and an understanding of the contemporary world never ends.
When It Rains, It Pours. Why?
Atmospheric scientist Michela Biasutti investigates what drives rainfall on a wide variety of time scales, and how climate change may affect it. She is passing on the basics to students.
Gowanus Canal Visit Offers an Educational Opportunity to Environmental Science and Policy Students
Summer term students took a field trip to learn about the complex environmental, community, and legislative issues at play in this historic Brooklyn neighborhood.
Can a New Forest Alliance Change Nature Finance for the Better?
The partnership of three countries—Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Indonesia—could play a pivotal role in reducing global deforestation.
Alumni Spotlight: Jonathan Rubin Takes Vertical Farming to New Heights
In 2021, Rubin launched Fresh Florida Farms, which grows non-GMO hydroponic lettuce, microgreens, sprouts, herbs, and other leafy greens in Boca Raton.
A Proposal to Decouple Food Systems From Deforestation in Brazil
Students from the M.P.A. in Environmental Science and Policy program traveled to Brazil to present their policy proposal at the 2023 Global Public Policy Network Conference.
Student Spotlight: Christine Ow
After she graduates from the Environmental Science and Policy program in May, Ow will work at the intersection of water and technology.
Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Patterson
A faculty advisor in the Environmental Science and Policy program, Patterson shares her professional journey, emphasizing the importance of following your passions rather than staying in a job that doesn’t align with your morals and interests.
From Pre-med to ESG: It’s Never Too Late for a Career Change
William Hsu, who graduated from the MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program in 2019, brings together different fields to advance an equitable and green future.