MS in Sustainability Management12
Alumni Spotlight: Pooja Chawda, Decarbonizing the Future by Cultivating Interconnectedness
Her degree in Sustainability Manage helps her to fuse policy with environment and social justice.
Where the Great Whales Seek Sanctuary
A student’s whale encounter inspires marvel, regret at our bloody history with these endangered giants, and the desire to do better at protecting them.
Yes, You Do Know Someone Who Has Been Harmed by Systemic Racism
A Black student shares some of his negative interactions with the police, and explains why “silence equals death” is not an exaggeration.
Alumni Spotlight: Diana McCarthy-Bercury Leads Sustainability in Branford, CT
She uses her Sustainability Management degree every day as the town’s sustainability and compliance manager.
Celebrating the Sustainability Management Program’s 10th Anniversary
The M.S. in Sustainability Management program is excited to celebrate its tenth anniversary this fall. Learn more about its history and future.
Sustainability Students Join Environmental Defense Fund Fellowship This Summer
Eleven students from the Sustainability Management and the Sustainability Science programs will work with various organizations to advance their environmental goals.
Notes From a Diplomat in Isolation
During the coronavirus pandemic, a Sustainability Management student learns to focus on what’s most important.
Going Back ‘Home’ in the Time of Coronavirus
An international student recounts her experience of trying to return home while borders were closing due to the pandemic.